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Posts posted by Caff

  1. Hi guys, can I just ask you to keep Kate Hudson out of this thread for now please? Now the initial "excitement" has died down. We've decided that until we hear differently the latest news has to be treated like anything else to do with a band member's private life. It only applies to this board though so your free to discuss it elsewhere obviously!


    Thanks for understanding!

  2. you are right :happy:


    what about the paparazzi pics that's private life too isn't it? people don't know if they are allowed to post them or not :erm:


    We got told by an official source to try and keep Kate off the board as it's a private matter. I think shots from newspapers are a bit difficult though as they're in the public domain...so I don't think we can ban those completely but people can help by not calling Matt's girlfriend names, implying she isn't good enough for him or playing girlfriend Top Trumps with his exes. Matt is with who he wants to be with so fans need to respect that and also their privacy they're entitled to as a couple. None of us would like to hear/read people calling us not good enough for our partner or saying we could do better so I can't imagine Matt is any different!


    Goes without saying that people need to stop replying to posts that try to prompt the above things. Helps me too if the report is used or another person who uses this thread explains why it isn't cool.


    Oh and happy new year everyone - going off topic a bit! :)

  3. wat if u want the barrier and u wear glasses??? would that be a problem?


    Just be careful when crowd surfers go over you. Pre-wearing contacts I was at a couple of barriers at gigs and festivals in glasses and because of stray legs/wallet chains had to duck my head right down to protect my glasses, which was mega annoying cos in one of those cases the crowd surfers just wouldn't stop. And it was during the Strokes - they're not even a band to mosh to!


    Other than that it's just the usual stuff of making sure your head doesn't whack the barrier if there's a crowd surge :chuckle:

  4. Tbh I've never heard the Radiohead/Muse similarity. I only became aware of the constant comparisons after I joined this board. I know some of my friends and family think that they sound alike sometimes. For example my mam thought Muse sang Paranoid Android when it came on the radio one day and a friend thought 'Hearing Damage' was the Muse song in New Moon.


    I remember my sis walking into my bedroom in the summer of 2000 and saying "this sounds like Radiohead" to Uno of all things :LOL:


    I nearly fell off the bed...because she was in her commercial RnB (like Dru Hill and Destiny's Child) phase so I didn't know she even knew who Radiohead were!

  5. Aye I agree with that. Just didn't want to come out with it and say Showbiz DOES have an obvious Radiohead influence cos everytime I have done some wankspider comes along and calls into question my Muse fan credentials.


    Part of the reason I got Showbiz in 1999/2000 was cos I liked that the singing style was similar to Radiohead :LOL: Even though it's a lazy comparison it did no harm in getting people like me on board the Muse train.

  6. I notice a lot of Muse fans are also Franz Ferdinand fans so I dunno wtf that says :LOL:


    (Personally I feel it just means a lot of people like fun music that doesn't take itself too seriously...)


    Seeing as Radiohead came first, if anyone must use the "X is a shit version of Y" that'd make Muse the poor man's Radiohead but I HATE that argument because they're two different bands famous for different reasons. Muse did have a Radiohead-lite sound in the early part of their career but I always thought that was down to the choice of producer/them not quite knowing their own sound yet and also journalists are lazy and can't think of any other ways to describe a new band.

  7. The point of bringing back old songs to vary the set lists. Muse aren't going to vary set lists by playing songs they haven't written yet, so they must play older material. I am an old fan. I've liked them for about 9 years. I want them to play old songs. My favourite Muse song (at least one of my favourites) is Undisclosed Desires however. But I'd rather them play songs from Showbiz and OoS than the same old single heavy set lists every night because they've become a living greatest hits album. Muse are not one of those bands where the singles are necessarily their best songs. Do not be so quick so generalise old fans.


    Couldn't have said it better myself :)


    On the Showbiz front...I love that album, because it got me into Muse and is very much my defining album for my teenage years cos I played it to death.


    But gig-wise, I have to say my favourite era is the Absolution era. I had so much fun at those gigs, even though the band were "more" commercial by that point. But who gives a shit about that so long as you like the music?


    Oh and I've said before, I'm so over Citizen Erased I'd be happy if it's never played again :LOL:

  8. Real quick, when/if you get pulled out of the pit, where do you go from there? (unless your feeling like your about to faint)


    When I was pulled out cos of the breathing issues they asked me if I was ok and I felt much better so said yes and they just let you rejoin the crowd. You're not treated like a crowdsufer (sometimes those get kicked out of the gig completely.)


    Another time I was pulled out was at a festival so I didn't lose my friend who had been pulled out after having an asthma attack. So I had to go to the hospital tent to find her!


    That's a perfect example of arsehole dudes thinking girls are weak and easy to pick off the barrier actually. Some guy pretended to be near death and I swear he deliberately picked where we were to barge to the barrier and demand water but of course five minutes later he was on the phone bragging that he was at the front for Muse with no hint he was going to faint :rolleyes:


    Also there was a teenage boy behind us who was pulling our hair/bits of our body, crushing us more than was necessary and kept putting his hand on the barrier so it was obvious what he was up to. As soon as I was pulled out he of course rushed forward with a look of glee. I kicked him in the face on purpose. Not my proudest moment but hey, I wasn't the one acting like a douche all afternoon!


    not at all. if youre worried stay in the middle instead of barrier rushing.


    I've always found the middle worse than the barrier. At least with the barrier I can lean on it to stay up right and also it gives you something to push against to stop people crushing you too much. In the middle (cos I'm short) it can turn into being completely surrounded with a feeling of being trapped!


    I think from my experience if you're not sure of the barrier being a couple of rows back but to one side where people don't mosh quite as hard is better. Unless that's what you meant?

  9. I know this has probably been asked before but I'm gonna be paranoid and ask anyways.


    Do you think I will be squished if I'm on the barrier? I'm 14 and weigh 110lb (I'm going with my older brother). I'm pretty fit. (use the treadmill everyday and horseback ride once a week)

    I'm a bit on the crazy side for these kinds of things and like it a bit wild :)

    Those who have been in GA before, what do you think? Any help is extremely appreciated! I'm excited to be doing GA for the first time this year :D


    My first barrier experiece was at 16 and I survived. Was a bit bruised and the squishing hurt my ribs but I wasn't even fully fit at the time and still managed.


    I will say though, if you're young (and especially if female) people do see you as an easy target to try and get off the barrier by being rough in a way that just isn't good gig etiquette and is actually kinda dickish...so having your elbows ready comes in handy. My friend was at a gig once where someone said something like "I'm gonna get this bitch off the barrier" and kept trying to PULL her off. What gives people the right...I don't even know.


    ALSO there's no shame in needing to be pulled out no matter what anyone says. I saw Idlewild when I was about 18 and a combination of heat, squishing and moshing too hard (myself as well as everyone else) made me suddenly feel like I couldn't breathe. No air was going in or out of my lungs what so ever and I probably stayed in longer than I should've as when I eventually got pulled out I almost fainted.

  10. me neither :erm: what thread was merged with this? I'm so fucking lost :facepalm:


    and who said they used to be a member of the big red forum? :eek: what was it like?


    Me. It wasn't that much different but people didn't get quite so defensive if someone didn't like a Muse track though you still did get that. Also I feel it was more elitist back in those days cos you had people posting who had seen them in some small pub in Devon in 1996 so being a teenage girl (as I was at the time) you were totally screwed in terms of being given a fair hearing by such people.


    Also it was easier to meet the band and there was the video shoot for FG/Hypermusic so there was a small section of the board who suddenly acted like bezzie mates of the band and also one girl who hated any other girl who expressed an interest in Matt cos she'd pretty much called dibs on him.


    In other words, it could be just as ridiculous as now...just for slightly different reasons :LOL:

  11. Oh, and another thing.

    Being a teenager, a female, a new fan, whatever, does not mean

    a) you like twilight

    b) you dont like the old stuff and b sides.


    Stereotyping because of these features is really stupid.


    Twas ever thus because you happen to be the owner of a vagina.


    I was 15 when I posted on my first Muse messageboard (the red one people mention on here sometimes) and I don't think a week went by where I wasn't accused of being there just because "Matt is soooo fit" - I mean so what, I did kinda like him in that way at the time, but we all make mistakes ;)


    The funny thing is, if those people had actually spoken to me they would've discovered I HEARD Muse before I SAW them. So Matt wasn't a factor in my deciding to post on their board.


    And it's not just Muse that has this problem. If you're a female music fan and the band you like has a man or men in it that happen to be attractive then there's always a small fanboy element that will assume you can't possibly have a brain in your head and like the music. This accusation increases when a band becomes more popular and the fanbase seems to acquire more women. It's one of those double standards that has always annoyed me cos in my experience it's been perfectly ok for dudes to make comments about the appearance of a female musician.


    EDIT: Also I think Guiding Light is complete gash but I don't recall saying anyone who likes it isn't a "true" fan. There's another stereotype that's annoying guys. Just cos people don't like a certain song doesn't mean they're all saying that shit ;)

  12. I was wondering if they like would ask you for ID when you get your tickets or something like that.


    Someone knows for sure?


    The only time I've ever been asked for ID is when being at an actual gig and usually that has been to check if I can buy booze, I can only think of once when I had my ID checked in relation to a ticket.


    Even if the tickets are delivered recorded delivery, anyone in the house can sign for them.

  13. Ok, in addition to the above I've got some people saying they're confused.


    We're not saying conversation is not at all acceptable but what we're saying is that there comes a point where threads turn into a Banter thread...and we have plenty of those in Banter.


    The photo threads were originally created for people to post pictures and share pictures...and not to become Banter threads. However, you're welcome to discuss images and even ask each other how you are so long as plenty of pictures are posted and off-topic discussion doesn't go on for too long.


    Example of what is unacceptable:


    User A: Hi how are you guys?

    User B: I'm ok thanks, how are you?

    User A: I'm great...I went to the cinema today.

    User B: What did you see?

    User A: I saw 'A Film'

    User C: Oh I LOVED that film!

    User D: I thought it sucked.

    User B: I've not seen it yet.

    User E: My sister is really annoying me.


    If this goes on, suddenly you've got two pages of people talking about a film instead of a member of Muse, which is off-topic and has turned the thread into Banter. Then you get a new user (user E in the example) coming in and confusing things further by initiating a new topic. Before you know it you've got two threads of conversation going on for hours and hours about 'A Film' and sisters you hate (and not an image in sight).


    Example of what is acceptable:


    User A: Hi how is everyone *posts a picture*

    User B: I'm great, how are you?

    User A: I'm ok thanks, I saw a film today.

    User B: What did you see? Oh by the way I really like/dislike that picture. Here's one of my favourites *picture*

    User C: Me too, I've got some more. *pictures*


    I hope that shows the difference well enough? I read another band's forum and they have photo threads too and it's only about three/four post gaps between images (and they still talk to one another), whereas in some of the threads on here it was more like three pages.


    Miss Blee's original post in the PMT pointed out that pages and pages of off-topic discussion may result in the photo threads being moderated. We don't want that to happen and we know you certainly don't. As I said in the original post here, we're not leading a witchhunt. It's just not fair on all the others who used threads we moved/closed for being too much like Banter if you guys use photo threads as a disguise for endless off-topic discussion.

  14. Dear All,


    It has recently come to our attention that the photograph threads have occasionally become nothing but Banter style threads. While it's understandable that you all share a common interest and want to chat to one another, it isn't fair that these particular threads be used for random chat in light of us moving other chat-threads to the main Banter area.


    Can we please ask that users of ALL picture threads ensure that they post pictures regularly to justify the threads remaining active. By this we don't mean that you have to post pictures alone, you are allowed to make comments. However, when there are several pages of just chat with no pictures it defeats the original purpose of those threads.


    Originally this request was posted in the PMT but in the interests of fairness we'd like to extend it to the other photo threads. Not one of you is being personally targetted and we're not doing this to make you feel like a target so please don't think that we don't want these threads to continue.


    Finally, I'd like to remind you all that if there is any problem within a particular thread, you are always free to contact me.


    Thank you for your co-operation.



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