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Funny or serious Muse Inspired Images Gifs


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  • 3 weeks later...

Simulation Theory at the Olympic Stadium was SO full on with technology and audiovisuals that I was hoping they didn't run into technical issues!

I always wondered if Matt could see the slightest thing with those chunky LED glasses on :D

On a slightly image related note, I had a massive poster printed on tough vinyl of one of my musical hero's (Al Jourgensen of Ministry), and it's accompanied me through aot of crazy times, more house moves than I can remember! It even got stolen my a dodgy landlord, which almost resulted in a brawl at a building site to get it back, absurd situation...

Either way, I absolutely love this one image of Chris, is just sums up everything he embodies about the experience and passion of how he plays bass on stage. I've just ordered a Status Graphite bass, so every morning when I wake up, I look at this massive poster of Chris looking like an absolute badass, and think "Yeah... That whole vibe that image immortalised, that ultimate high of living for the moment, playing music is what I live for".

Can't see shit, SIR!.jpg


Edited by CorvidCrow
Adding a missed image
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