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Не справилась я с поставленной идеологической задачей, увы....


ВСЁ понятно разъяснила!! (и вполне доступно) (если конечно ты заинтересованна в поддержке рускоязычной братии :))

яТак понимаю мы имели дело с влюблённоофанатевшим подростком,

кОторый ожидал от нашей ветки той же влюблённоофанателости... всего то!

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пО мне так вот это самое деление на личности абсолютно не зачем...

я ЛЮБЛЮ (!) группу! ВСЮ! ЦЕЛИКОМ!

пО отдельности они всего лишь Мет, всего лиш Крис, всего лиш Доминик..

:) всего лишь человеки надёлённые какими то способностями!

аВот ВМЕСТЕ они Muse

:) вообщем-то ТО самое, ради чего мы все тут собрались

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ВСЁ понятно разъяснила!! (и вполне доступно) (если конечно ты заинтересованна в поддержке рускоязычной братии :))

яТак понимаю мы имели дело с влюблённоофанатевшим подростком,

кОторый ожидал от нашей ветки той же влюблённоофанателости... всего то!


Ну я старалась, как могла. Приехала только что из отпуска короткого, вновь готова к защите права на альтернативные формы проявления любви :D

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Ну я старалась, как могла. Приехала только что из отпуска короткого, вновь готова к защите права на альтернативные формы проявления любви :D


:)) БРАВО!

сПособы проявления любви - личное дело каждого :))

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ToBapuw,u My3epbl, poDHblu Mou. R 4acTo 3axoDuTb He Mory, Ho w,ac nocMoTpe/\a a TyT oka3blBaeTca pyra4ka 6bl/\a. Y MeHR kak y oDHoro u3 cTapblx )|(uTe/\ej TeMbl a)|( cepDu,e ekHy/\o. noeToMy no)l(a/\yjcTa nuwuTe MHe Ha Mbl/\o a /\y4we B icq ec/\u 4to. u pa3 y)l( R ToT ew,e MAD HATTER, To npuTaw,w,y Becb jaD kakoj HajDy u noMory DaTb oTnop. Mbl TyT ew,e u He Takix nou/\u )) xexe. A Boo6w,e HaDo ka3aTbcR 6o/\bwuMu u rpo3HblMu. He HaDo uM roBopuTb 4To Mbl MRrkue u nywucTble. Hu B )l(u3b Tak He 6bl/\o. Dpyr c DpyroM To koHe4Ho - He HaDo B TeMe cBoux o6u)l(aTb. Kopo4e nuwy BaM eToT Mera-MeccuD)l( c Mo6u/\bl %) Tak 4To pardon me for hardly-understanding russian language cellphone ;)

yours, LDB

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noHRTHo xoTb? A To R TyT cTapa/\co-cTapa/\co...


Понятно, прикольно. Переходим в режим злые и непримиримые ;)

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Ne nado zlye i neprimirimye. Tut kak to ranshe vse byli v osnovnom otzhigajushie )) otzhigali po polnoj, pisali mnogo, bystro i vsyakij bred chtoby obognat vse temy v mezhdunarodnoj vetke po kolichestvu postov. Odnu nashu temu kak perepolnennuju uzhe zakryli. Konechno (konechno zhe! Ja eto povtoryaju uzhe ne pervyj raz!) stoilo mne ischesnut kak skorost, veselost, bredovost i duh sorevnovanija (po horoshemu) soshli na net. Ja vse grozil chto ujdu. I ushel. TAK VOT! TEPER JA KAK VERNUS TAK MENYA NAFIG NE ZATKNETE OPYAT! 8-) Muahaha )))) :$ :-D

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Shite, i don't like it...

2 scoffer

What are trying to do here? Analyse every line, every word that you can understand? Maybe you are a good person but you talk like an old boring teacher.

You cannot change someone's mind just because you think you're right. Let people be what they are.

And, dammit, it's an International forum, russian thread if you didn't notice. it's like you came to our home and started calling everyone a boring idiot. So i suppose you have to start new thread and discuss your opinions right there.

i vypej iadu uzhe :-D

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You know, there's enough dirt in many things and when it's getting much too much, one's got to choose: to let it go and swallow all of it to turn a part of it or filter it and remember there're tiny but good thing in anything anyways To be realistic about something doesn't necessarily mean to be sorta nihilistic idealism is pretty often just a kind of denying objective things the way they are wow


It does impress me that you're idealizing Muse. Can't get rid of that feeling. And I'm not being nihilistic, I'm being fastidious. I don't tend to convince myself that someone is putting his soul in what he's doing at the moment, unless it shows through somehow.


When people talk this way I can suggest they mean to demand much to much from the situation. Me personally think it was really terrific. I didn't really hope it'd be THAT good.


I demand nothing more than the best from every single professional (including myself). If you're doing something - give it your 100% or just don't do it. Some people settle for less. Some shop at K-Mart. I don't mean you. It's a generalazation of a speculative kind.


I can't get it: why those discussions should be of a HYSTERICAL mood ?


They tend to get so when there's nothing to discuss. And at this point there is absolutely nothing worth discussing about Muse that would be tied to this purely Russian thread. The board is full of other threads devoted to Muse where people hang around. Even our discussion is only vaguely Muse-devoted.


So: two people two different ideas of proper behaviour.


I even haven't responded yet and you've made a conclusion already


It was not intended for you to respond. I was explaining my previous point that you misunderstood. Our correspondence is so lenghty now, that we're forgeting who wrote what to whom and why.


Pafosniy . As far as I know most of young Russians use this word in some bent meaning as arrogant and all.


He must've said more. Cause that word was certainly not an insult, imho. The tone matters a lot though - it means other things as well, which would fit perfectly with Matt.


I can't respond to your other messages, cause I can't see what you're quoting.


So, why are you not actively discussing Muse in your national thread (I'd be more specific, but you seem to be avoiding the issue of nationality)? Don't you want them to come to your country again and again?


I uphold your disgust at the person who took advantage of Matt's lack of Russian-language knowledge and (presumably) kept insulting him in a language Matt didn't understand. I think people should make an effort to be understood by those who they're addressing. So, it inevitably follows that we'll have to stick to Russian from now on, cause people have to translate our posts or just ignore them (from where it follows that we're stuck in a dialogue other than a forum discussion, exchanging subjective opinions on things which aren't worth much). That would be perfectly normal in other threads, but this is a Russian one and users are encouraged to use Russian here. So, don't be sore at me if I don't respond to English-language messages.

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i'm exploring you, Russians, do you mind?

Я не против. Я тебя тоже исследую. Жалко, что ты предпочитаешь оставаться анонимом, как будто стыдишься чего-то. Но само это достойно исследования.


i won't. i like it IN HERE. you're quite nice people, not rude.
Вот! А говорил, что не веришь. Мы очень вежливые и терпеливые. Как говорится, убиваем аккуратно и с улыбкой на губах. Это опять же гипотетическое спекулятивное обобщение.
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Shite, i don't like it...

2 scoffer

What are trying to do here? Analyse every line, every word that you can understand? Maybe you are a good person but you talk like an old boring teacher.

You cannot change someone's mind just because you think you're right. Let people be what they are.

And, dammit, it's an International forum, russian thread if you didn't notice. it's like you came to our home and started calling everyone a boring idiot. So i suppose you have to start new thread and discuss your opinions right there.

i vypej iadu uzhe :-D




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чето странно, в русской ветке больше половины на инглише)


Да это просто мы с англоязычным гражданином полемику разводим. Я уже написала ему, что на русский надо переходить, а он стесняется, судя по всему. Но я больше не буду писать по-английски, извините, как говорится :$

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you understand it KINDA so, or you understand it EXACTLY so?


it was not a question, but (!) no approval.


(I always say what I think :)


not in my plans was to offend you!


:)) After reviewing your messages my opinion about you changed (!)

YOU spy :))) to walk on different thread :))...

Now you always here - in our "" boring"" line for you :))) this is strange (I think)

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чето странно, в русской ветке больше половины на инглише)


пРиветствую тебя, six strings samurai...

тУт можно писать на любом удобном тебе языке :)))

вСё равно кто нибудь поймёт и откликнется!

вОобщем пиши!!!

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хаарп уже обсуждали? У кого какие любмимые моменты?:)


HAARP я ешчо не приобрёль!

пОсему ничего сказать не могу...

кАкие версии песен лучше, те что были или то что с играно заново?

:) вернее будет спросить что тебе больше понравилось..

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