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Download Data Driven Decisions and School Leadership PDF eBook


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Download Data Driven Decisions and School Leadership Book in PDF Format. Too Many Books Available in Our Site.




From the Back Cover Data Driven Decisions and School Leadership, 1/e Theodore J. Kowalski, University of Dayton Thomas J. Lasley II, University of Dayton James W. Mahoney, Battelle for Kids ISBN-10:?nothing?nothing?nothing?nothing?nothing?nothing0205496687 ?nothing ?nothing This book integrates theory and practice in decision making, with specific focus on?nothingdata-driven decision making. Applications are demonstrated in the contexts of administration, supervision, and teaching. ?nothing The book provides a unique contribution to the literature?nothingin this field?nothingin that the studies of decision theory and data-based decision making are integrated. Focusing on educators assuming leadership roles in school improvement, the book??™s content is equally rele

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