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How strange that I Believe I will meet you. Soon. Who would I be to say we could fall in love? Is my lonliness the driving force behind this delusion or a true thread that we are destined to meet?

The expectation of us meeting has too strong of consequences as it stands alone. To factor love in to this would be devastation.

I find my self frantic at times. Fluttering between ubsurdly superficial to mind numbing scenarios of "what if's".

Matthew how will you ever find me?

The closest I've come to meeting you was starring intently at you in a small Portland show five years ago. Shortly afterwords you specifically said in an interview that intimate audiences gave you the creeps. You prefer large venues. How can I prove to you without freaking you out that I am a totally sweet woman with only the best interest at heart and (probably pg-13) fantasies about you? Well okay perhaps I'm not that bland.

Closer still to your arrival in the States.

Till then!


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