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Northern England/Scotland Musers

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Woooo! I am looking very muchly forward to it. I'm going to be at Tracy's from Saturday afternoon. We have low key events like watching DVDs and making varous T-shirts and badges for upcoming events scheduled for Sunday and then the festival on Monday. Hurrah!


Just started on my Portugal top design, it might turn out pwoper nice if I'm careful. No ideas have hit my brain for my V tops tho....perhaps the idea of a 'Northern Muser' shirt can be kicked around? I think we can defo do badges anyway. *puts thinking cap on*


We shall have to meet you beforehand aye Mandy so we can do the ticket swappage?


Sound off who else is coming...I got me and Tracy pegged....

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Latest news, for anyone that's looking at this:

Meetup 27 Sept - Newcastle, Wetherspoons by Central Station 7PM (same time, same channel)

Meetup 25 October - Newcastle - bowling mid-afternoon then on to the usual (see above for time/place)


oh, and someone's supposed to make a decision on Crimbo dates... don't look at me, though!



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