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Muse Internship/stage crew?


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Hey, so I am a Senior in high school (in the US) and I am pursuing a career in visual and graphic arts. And sure I've seen the amazing things that Muse and Roger Water's have projected but I am trying to know how it works. Hopefully this can be done for my Senior Project for school, but I have no idea who to contact or to actually talk to. My goal is to work with the production crew and figure out the workings and the ideas that flow, so I can have a better idea if I want to do this for a majority of my life. (I am NOT trying to meet Muse in the slightest bit).

Any ideas who to contact if it is possible?




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Good on ya. I would say the the actual work the stage crew/technicians do is a far cry from any sort of 'visual art'. You'd probably want to focus more on industrial design for the stage design process, 3D animation/visual effects for the screen animation, or possibly electrical engineering/computer science for the lighting and control systems. Unfortunately every job is quite different and you'd absolutely be best off only attempting to learn (read: master) one. Not saying that it wouldn't be a good experience to get behind the sound booth for a show, but just some points to keep in mind. I'd try and contact Tom Kirk (the band's media manager) since he'd be in the best position to help you.

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Good on ya. I would say the the actual work the stage crew/technicians do is a far cry from any sort of 'visual art'. You'd probably want to focus more on industrial design for the stage design process, 3D animation/visual effects for the screen animation, or possibly electrical engineering/computer science for the lighting and control systems. Unfortunately every job is quite different and you'd absolutely be best off only attempting to learn (read: master) one. Not saying that it wouldn't be a good experience to get behind the sound booth for a show, but just some points to keep in mind. I'd try and contact Tom Kirk (the band's media manager) since he'd be in the best position to help you.



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