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Posts posted by frozenbanana

  1. Not sure if you're being sarcastic but EP isn't in Drop D. Almost positive COD isn't either, haven't played it in a while though.


    Not that Drop D always = heavy anyway.


    Well I play EP in standard, but others seemed pretty sure so I went with it. And yeah, it doesn't.

  2. We all now the defector-revolt-aftermath trio will probably suck and ruin the album :LOL:


    Defector's gonna be great. Interested to hear Revolt and Aftermath after that NME review. Given this board's hatred of positive love-ish songs, I reckon they're not gonna go down too well.

  3. Gave myself an hour break from listening to it, then was blown away all over again. It's immense. As someone that really liked what I heard of Defector and the Globalist (especially the outro), I'm pretty chuffed to be here now.

  4. If we pre-ordered through iTunes, will it auto-download like Dead Inside, Psycho, Mercy, and Reapers already have? It still says "Album Only" beside The Handler. Only eight days to go, but still.


    I second this question

  5. My thoughts are firstly that it's the first track in a long time that actually sounds like muse (reapers is great but doesnt sound like them iff you know what i mean), has a great dark sound that reminds me of absolution-era. Solid vocals, you can really tell Matt's voice has become a lot more controlled here. Lack of any overly cringe vocals as far as i can tell which is what kills psycho, mercy and reduces the quality of reapers.


    Totally agree. This could only really be a Muse song. I can't sit there and say "oh this sounds like something else" because on first impressions it doesn't.


    Anyone else getting a serious earlier Muse vibe from that "Aiiaaiiiaiiiiaiiiiaiii" vocal bit Matt does towards the end in one of the heavy sections? It's got that kinda weird vibe about it...

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