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Isolated System

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Posts posted by Isolated System

  1. MK Ultra just feels like a by-the-numbers energetic Muse song though, which would be great somewhere in a main set or maybe a first encore.

    Maybe so, but its omission from the stadium/arena tour baffled me like never before. Along with CE.

  2. What's He Building > Supremacy - WHB needs something heavy and energetic after it considering it's about 3 and a half minutes of build-up, Supremacy doesn't really fill that role.


    To me, Supremacy does the job as the opener, even thematically.

    "What's He Building In There?" sets the ominous wandering of what is happening to the world or what are major corprations doing, which is revealed in aggression during Supremacy.

    I don't think it goes well after IS though. In my gig, Supremacy rigged open the sky and kicked off right at twilight, turning into a dark night soon after, almost as if the concert was revealing something to the world. I think WHBIT would provide an even better experience.


    And about MK Ultra...

    I would have never thought Take a Bow could be a good closer, only an opener, after hearing BHAR. Then came HAARP, they reinvented TaB. MK Ultra already sets the mood for a closer, just needs something extra to finish off epically.

  3. Supermassive > TIRO - The two don't really go that well together imo, TIRO wants to be later in the setlist I think.

    B&H > Unintended - A bit jarring to move from such a big, heavy song into an extremely soft and slow one.



    I think TIRO being late in the set kills the experience a bit. Personal preference too.

    As for B&H > Un, that was the intention. To have a break in the middle of the main set, giving room to breathe. But okay.

    And thank you for the honesty! :D

  4. But they don't :LOL: IS before something that isn't a powerful/upbeat song is a mistake. And Prelude afterwards is even worse. Prelude leads into something (if you're so sure about including it at all), it doesn't "end" something.




    CE into TaB works well, Starlight is shit and doesn't fit at all in an encore (more so right after TaB, which should end the gig), MK Ultra is awesome but doesn't work as a closer.


    Well, after Blackout comes Survival. So technically you have the Prelude linking both songs.

    Also, they meant Blackout and Prelude, not IS and Blackout.


    EDIT: Sorry for double posting.

  5. There were a lot of things about that setlist that baffled me a bit but I couldn't be arsed highlighting every single bit tbh :chuckle: Plus, I think it's their first setlist so I didn't want to nit-pick or be harsh. My first setlist was probably awful.


    Don't do that, go ahead! Constructive criticism is a major step for improvement!

  6. wait what


    Liquid State [save Me intro; Dracula Mountain outro]


    Save Me's chorus' chords play as the bass softly changes and progressively turns agressive and violent, overpowering the guitars, leading into Liquid State. As the outro, play the Dracula Mountain cover.




    Blackout [isolated System intro; Survival's Prelude outro]


    Play a clip of IS (as a tape, obviously) before Blackout, and lead its end to Prelude. They fit PERFECTLY. Blackout ends on the same note as the first in Prelude, or at least so it seems.


    Citizen Erased

    Take a Bow


    MK Ultra


    What's wrong?

  7. HOTRS an exclusive of this tour?


    Yeah though, I guess they could have kept at least Monty Jam. I'd say MWAH was good (albeit shortened) with the dead banker and the black&white.


    It wasn't? I thought so, oh well. Still. The crowd singing a cover without Matt's voice right before TIRO sent chills down my spin last June. Sigh. Not having Monty Jam puzzles me, it fits right before Feeling Good so perfectly...



    PS: You watch Breaking Bad. I like that.

  8. What's He Building in There?



    Panic Station

    Supermassive Black Hole

    Time is Running Out [House of The Rising Sun intro]


    Sunburn [piano intro]

    Knights of Cydonia

    Follow Me

    Map of the Problematique

    Butterflies & Hurricanes


    New Born

    Liquid State [save Me intro; Dracula Mountain outro]

    The 2nd Law: Unsustainable


    Feeling Good [Monty Jam intro]

    Plug in Baby

    Bliss [Hullaballoo version intro]

    Blackout [isolated System intro; Survival's Prelude outro]



    Citizen Erased

    Take a Bow [HAARP version]


    MK Ultra


    I don't know about Madness, Hysteria, Uprising and Undisclosed Desires. They're not really my thing but they had to be here somewhere. And also, I don't get why MK Ultra isn't played live often. It's got everything to be perfect live!

  9. None of those are in the film. And the intro IIRC is just the Unsustainable dialogue.


    Really? Monty Jam and House of the Rising Sun are like one minute each or so, why weren't they in the movie? They were exclusives of this tour and all. Monty Jam was perfect when used to introduce Feeling Good and HOTRS had a pretty amazing audience reception (at least on my gig). Dracula Mountain was just purely badass.

    On the contrary, we got MWAH. Meh.

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