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Posts posted by spiderpirata

  1. opinions?

    i'm confused about the KEY knob on the Boss PS-6.


    so you will change the KEY in every song? hmmm.

    it also function as a whammy due to the S-Bend feature?


    In an NME article, the song was described as 'stadium stomp' and being about the world being in "meltdown."

    According to previews of the album, Big Freeze is a surprising song with funk elements while retaining a 'Muse-y' sound. [1]

    In the chorus, you can hear similar vocals to Map of the Problematique. The guitar effect at the start also bares similarities to Map Of The Problematique. Matt later revealed the effect is created with the use of a pitch-shifting pedal made by Boss. Matt claims Boss 'ripped him off' due to the pedal creating such a similar sound to the one he invented for Map Of The Problematique. The song has been compared to U2.

  2. question!

    i have a crunchbox clone and it good! but i want a distortion pedal that cleans up well with the volume knob and i found the OCD and Zvex Distortron/Box of Rock


    ive read before that citizen erased is mid scooped and high gain

    so, is the gain on the zvex distortron enough for harmonics to cut through?

    demos on youtube doesnt play it with harmonics. :LOL:


    i dont want many pedals.

  3. not reallly, its just that..


    i stated before that i dont like the fuzz on PIB. i dont like his fuzz tone back then.



    but now, on LIVE versions of Madness and Supremacy i really wat to nail that fuzz tone.


    by the way, im new to effects that is why im not sure on the settings. hehe.

    ill try it again later. its 2:00am in my country. hehe

  4. ooh. okay. thanks for the link.


    im just thinking of the fuzz head because no one is mentioning it in the forum . :LOL:


    i bought a used wampler leviathan fuzz. wrong purchase i guess. :D

    maybe ill try to trade it for an fuzz factory. :LOL:

  5. i cant find the sweet spot fuzz in the live versions of Madness Solo and Supremacy. :LOL:

    its like a super tight fuzz.


    im not really into the plug in baby fuzz. but when i heard the live version solo of madness and supremacy that change it all. i love that tone.

    Even the new live versions of supermassive blackhole fuzz has been changed to that super tight fuzz. hehe

    i think first time i hear that fuzz tone is on the Guiding Light solo


    btw. do you think matt used the fuzz factory into the keeley fuzz ?

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