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Status Updates posted by BlissfulPlugInBaby

  1. I hope you do, too! That would be such an amazing, life-changing, unforgettable experience!! You'll have to let me know Monday!!!! Hehe I heard Madness on the radio last night and freaked out! :D

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry for how insanely late I'm replying! :O But aww! Thank you so much! That's so cool you got to see Autumn! She is gorgeous, I must agree. :) Seriously though, I'm SO sorry for never replying to your message before. I really meant to, I just kept forgetting to get on here. I'll reply to it asap though, I promise! :) So how have you been? :D By the way, you are more than welcome to follow me on Twitter or Instagram if you would like! I follow back. :)


    And I swear I'll reply back to that other message on here either tomorrow or the next day! I would do it right now, but I'm on the go at the moment so I just wanted to post this message real quick. :)

  3. Oh and just as a side note, the picture of the brainbow that I have as my profile pic now was actually a photo I got from one of my concerts!! :dance:

  4. Hey! And it's no problem about the late reply! I'm late, too! :LOL:

    I'll reply to your first message first:


    Yeah, I have 4 horses! They were all named before I got them, one's name is Pearl (which is quite fitting, because she's the colour of a pearl :D), the black and white one's name is Ladybug, and then two of them have long names after their showhorse ancestors, one being brown and white, and her name is Bluegirl's Dream (but I just call her Bluegirl for short) and the other sorrel and white one's name is Miracles In Autumn (but we just call her Autumn for short). They're all awesome horses! But Bluegirl is most special to me because she was my first horse. :)

    That's cool you ride a lot though! There's nothing quite like the feeling of riding horses. :happy:

    Congrats on converting that One D fan into a Muser!! :musesign: And thank goodness she now hates One D (SUCCESS!!!! :D) I recently got a friend of mine very into Muse. She's right in between the stages of Muse fan and Muser right now, but she's loving them so much that I'm sure she'll be a diehard Muser before too much longer!! :awesome:


    And now, for my Muse concert reports:


    Firstly, thanks for dropping the line before the concert! I defintely rocked my heart out and screamed til my throat was dry! Hands down, my Muse concerts were the best I've ever been to! The first concert, in Tulsa, was an 8 hour drive to get up there, but MORE THAN WORTH IT!! They began with Isolated System, which was suprising and very awesome! They played Explorers, which thrilled me to no end, because it is my fav track from The 2nd Law! And Knights Of Cydonia was perhaps my favourite of the entire night! The lightshow throughout the entire concert was just totally mesmerizing, Muse made every single song so ridiculously fun live, and I just danced and sang my heart out the entire time! :dance: Seeing them live honestly changed my life, and I just love every song they played a thousand times more than ever, and I now have a whole new level of love and respect for the band, as well! How they do what they do, I'll never know. They are just BEYOND WORDS awesome!! :love:

    Then my 2nd concert was in Dallas. I enjoyed myself even more the 2nd time around, and towards the middle of the concert, they made yet another one of my dreams come true. They played SUNBURN!! :facemelt: That's one of my very most favourite songs of all time, and I seriously almost fainted!! :chuckle: I've never cried so many tears of joy, screamed, cheered, or sang my heart out so much! :D

    I've never been so inspired by anything as I was by seeing Muse live! They are absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see them loads more in the future!


    Oh and I just remembered that you recently had a birthday, am I right? Sorry I'm late, but I hope that you had a really awesome day!! How was your birthday? :)

  5. I must agree that it beats The Resistance tour. :yesey: I've been totally in love with all of their tours, but seriously, this The 2nd Law tour is just absolutely out-of-this-world AMAZING. :musesign: And aww I'm sorry that your friend is to see them soon but everything is sort of up in the air because of Matt's foot. :( That would be indescribably disappointing for a show you plan to go to to be postponed or cancelled.


    And aww, I'm also sorry you won't be able to see them on their stadium tour. But the important thing is, is that you got to see them. :D You know you'll have plenty more chances in the future. :happy: I totally understand all of that though...my parents don't like me going to concerts alone...concerts are SO expensive, transportation costs, etc. However, if Muse does announce some more concerts sorta near me, I'll DEFINITELY do whatever I can to see them again. When Coldplay and Radiohead came through my neck of the woods, I could only afford to see them one time, and afterwards, I swore to myself next time they come I'll save up to see them at least twice, because they are just THAT awesome. :awesome: And I KNOW Muse will be every bit as amazing. :D So yeah, hopefully I'll be able to see them more than once this tour, but all I really care is that I get to see them.


    OMG no kidding, you love horses?! We are like twins!! I ADORE horses!! Did I mention I have four of my own? They're all Paints. I also have a donkey. :LOL: I just love my horses too much. They're just such amazing creatures!! You're right, the western riding saddles are more comfortable than the English ones, but I also quite like the English ones (oh and by the way I've always wanted to take part in Dressage one day) So do you get to ride horses much?


    And yes!! I am indeed a Muser and an Aerosmith fan!! :dance: I'll be honest though, I've never met another Muser who loves (or even tolerates, tbh) Aerosmith. :( It's really terribly difficult for me to find other Musers around where I live, much less someone who shares my musical taste that much. I also compared Matt's screaming in HAARP (like, for instance, in songs like Time Is Running Out) to Steven Tyler's screams, which has caused expressions upon other Muser's faces as if they'd like to bash my face in. :eek: But I'm not insulting Matt in the least. I love Aerosmith and I've always thought his scream-singing is awesome, which therefore means I'm giving Matt a compliment in comparing them, but this doesn't keep some Musers from coming unglued by my comment. So yeah, I'm very happy to hear you love Aerosmith, I was beginning to think I was the only Muser/Aerosmith fan on the planet!! :chuckle: My favourite Aerosmith song? Gosh, I just love all their stuff so much, but I'm gonna have to say Dream On. It was the first song that, when I was about 6 or 7, I just absolutely LOVED of theirs!! So it's pretty special to me. :happy: How about you? What's your favourite?


    And oh don't feel the need to apologise for typing a lot. Trust me, I LOVE long messages, and usually scare people off with how much I can type! :chuckle: I just love to talk to people, especially people who share so many of my same interests!!


    But OMG, I had the amazing opportunity to go see Coldplay's Live 2012 film in theatres November 13th (the only day it actually showed in cinemas) and I must admit it just had me crying the whole entire time!! It was as if I was able to re-live my concert! :dance: I've always had only the utmost respect for Coldplay, yet somehow every time I see them, I just walk away with even more respect for them! So yeah, it's definitely something I'd recommend you watching!! Also, speaking of Coldplay, I'm terribly excited because Chris Martin said that he is so "fired up" about the band's future, and that time off they had mentioned taking soon, is not gonna happen...he said he's writing all kinds of stuff which means a new album from them could be here rather soon! I'm just too excited!

  6. Hey! Thanks so much for accepting my friend request. :D So how're you today? :)

  7. Oh, you don't need to apologize, it's quite all right!! :) Now I'm just sorry for taking SO long to reply! :$

    I've been keeping up with Muse's setlists and watching some film from their gigs and oh my goodness this tour has just been SO unspeakably amazing!! Congratulations on getting to see them! And I CANNOT WAIT to get to see them myself!! :D Although I was so sad to hear the news of Matt's broken foot. :(

    So do you think your mum might let you go to one of the stadium shows later next year? That would be SO epic!! :awesome:

    And no, I actually haven't ever been to Tulsa. It's probably not much different from around where I live, but still it'll be even cooler to go somewhere new to see my favourite band! And really, my gig's just a day before your birthday? Awesome!! And haha! No, no you don't sound creepy at all! I'm actually very happy to hear you love Americans because I LOVE British (especially British bands) and I actually hope to live in the UK someday, but I've never talked to a Brit who loves America like I love the UK, so this makes me happy!! :happy:

    And oh yes, I definitely know of Aerosmith, I'm quite a fan. :dance:

    Haha, I understand! I share your pessimism, I'll never truly believe I'm seeing Muse until I'm there and actually see them walk out on stage!! :LOL:


    Oh and P.S. Have you seen Coldplay's new Live 2012 film? :D

  8. Ugh it's always such a low feeling when school starts again. :( Did you enjoy your autumn holiday though? :) Ooh it snowed? I want snow!! :D It's so hot here. :rolleyes: Oh awesome! How was Skyfall? Amazing? :D I hope to see it soon, too. And I'm doing great, thanks. :)

  9. Hey sorry I haven't talked to you in awhile. How are you doing? :happy:

  10. Now I'm apologizing for such a late reply!!

    So you have a Muse concert this month?! Which one? OMG how awesome!! :D And thanks for the encouragement! :) When they announced their show in Tulsa, Oklahoma, my lovely mother actually agreed to go with me even though it'd be a 7 hour drive!! I was afraid to keep on hoping for a tour date nearer me and I didn't want to pass up the chance so I went ahead and bought the tickets. Then they announced a date just about 3 hours from me, but that's all right--I look at making a 7 hour trip to Tulsa to see them as just adding to the adventure of the concert as a whole! :D I'm just so endlessly thankful to have the opportunity to see them, I'd be willing to drive wherever!! It still hasn't sunk in yet, but my biggest dream at this time has come true!! :dance: I CAN'T WAIT!! So I'm assuming your gig has already happened? Is your life changed forever?! :chuckle::musesign:

  11. Okay, I just had to say that the awesomeness of your avatar almost killed me. :chuckle:

  12. OMG there was seriously not enough room in my bedroom to dance and jump around to those songs!! :LOL: I kept whacking my feet on things while I danced like a maniac. :D I replayed them all for hours, and then finally, the awesomeness of Muse's amazing talent just killed me. ;) So anyway, yeah, you're not alone in partying with yourself!! This album is obviously going to be too great for words! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :musesign:

  13. Yes, I do have Battle Born...ah so amazing!!!! :D And really? Ah, Muse, Coldplay & Radiohead are my favourites!! Actually had the amazing honour of being able to see Coldplay & Radiohead live this year! :D Have you ever seen Coldplay, Radiohead, Muse, or the Killers? I'd die to see The Killers and especially Muse!! :LOL:

  14. Your profile pic is lovely! :D

  15. Okay, your username just might be my favourite Muse song. :D :D

  16. Woo high-five for having the same favourites!! ;) But OMG how awesome!! Best of luck in that competition, I hope you win and get to see Muse!!!!! That would be SOOOO amazing!!! When will you find out if you've won?

  17. Good, glad she's just fine now. :) And wow! What an awesome story of how you got into Muse! And I've been into them since February of 2010, to be exact. I heard Uprising on the radio, and loved it, then I got their CD Absolution, as it was the only one I could find in stores at the time, and then I fell in love. ;) Do you have a favourite CD of theirs? I can't choose a favourite, but as far as ones I listen to the most, I definitely listen to Origin of Symmetry & Absolution most. :D

  18. Cool! Sorry to hear your horse got kicked in the leg by another horse. I assume she's better now though, that's good. :) So how long have you been a Muser?? :D :D

  19. Really? Wow, that sounds awesome! I always thought Show Jumping would be a ton of fun. How long have you competed? :)

  20. Yes, they are. :D And oh cool! I'll bet your mare is gorgeous. And no, I haven't competed in horse shows yet, but I LOVE to ride and have given a lot of consideration to competing, plus my friend competes and loves it so much, so I'd love to some day too. Do you compete? :)

  21. Hey thanks for accepting my friend request. I noticed you are a fan of both Coldplay and The Killers besides Muse of course so I coudln't help but send you a friend request as Coldplay and The Killers are two of my favourites, as well!! :D

  22. I love your username! rainingradioheads hahaha!!! :D

  23. Hehe yep, Patrick is totally awesome!! :D And why yes I do. I love my donkey and horses! And really? What kind of horse do you have? Mine are Paints. :)

  24. Sorry for the randomness, but both your username and avatar are SO awesome! :D

  25. Your profile pic of Matt is so epic. :D

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