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Everything posted by Orwellian

  1. It went well, actually better than the last ones which is suprising:D But it's quite easy for me to focus on school even if things may not go so well on my personal life so that's a good thing.

  2. Yep...Oh that's so cool what's the name of the band?:) School can be surprisingly though sometimes...It's testweek again and I had to read the whole holiday so yay.

  3. I'm really looking forward to it, as well as the gig in July! Those are the two things that will definitely save my year:D To be honest it's quite hard right now. My horse had to put down (don't know how it's supposed to say nicely) because it was getting so old and my mother and my stepfather are getting a divorce so me and my mom will probably have to move somewhere else because this house is just too big for the two of us. But I really hope that we could stay here so I could finish my high school in the same place where I started it. But I'll try to stay positive, in the end things could be worse too. Anyway, how are you?

  4. We are probably going to some museums and places like that cos the subject of the course is Berlin and its history. Oh, and we are going to Finnish German embassy which is quite exciting. I don't know yet what else we're going to do.

  5. Yea and I go to school by bike so it feels even colder. If I remember correctly it was -27 at the coldest day this winter. I do like my subjects really much. Philosophy is a new subject for me and it's quite interesting. Sometimes it gets a bit weird though and our teacher is one of a kind too:D But she's still nice and we don't actually do anything else than just think and discuss is this chair really here? kind of questions. German is one of my favourite subjects at the time and I'm actually going to germany this spring for a week with my friends. It's actually a study trip but I think we'll have fun anyway.

  6. Wow that sounds crazy cos we had like -20 degrees here last week. I had only one course of social studies this year but I think I'm gonna choose the other courses of it next year. Now I'm studying english, swedish, history, philosophy and german. Luckily my winterbreak just started so yay no school for me for a week:)

  7. Yea sorry too I've been so so busy and tired too..It's always this time of the year when I'm super tired. I think it's because the winter is soo dark and long time of the year. But my testweek went well, actually even better than the last ones:) so, how are you?

  8. I'll start studying philosophy after this testweek. Thanks, my BD is actually tomorrow but I think I'll celebrate it at this weekend.

  9. Yep. Psychology is more difficult than I thought. It's even more difficult than chemistry:D Have you ever studied it?

  10. Oh that must be frustrating. I have to read german, chemistry, psychology, social studies and health education. I'm a bit worried cos I feel like I haven't read at all. Well I have few days left so I'll try to do my best.

  11. Hmh shame that you're not happy with them..Do you have a chance to try to improve the results?

  12. :D So are you happy with your results?
  13. Yea I am and the testweek is at the end of this month and I have five tests so it's a bit stressing. It actually starts on my birthday so yay happy birthday to me...:D

  14. I don't care about christmas that much but I had pretty fun anyway. I got few nice presents and I ate well and that's all about my christmas really. What did you do?

  15. I would like to go to England too, it's an interesting country. I've been in France and it was a disappointment to be honest. There was too hot for me, I'm so used to this coldness:D I'm going to Germany next May and I'm really looking forward to it. I've been in Lapland couple of times and I loved it. I could maybe live there some day. I think New Zealand and Australia are really beautiful countries and it would be so cool to travel somewhere there. Shame that it's so expensive...But I hope you had a nice holiday and we'll talk later then:)

  16. I have to say that you want to go a bit weird places:D I mean that those who want to travel in Europe usually go to France or England or somewhere there. And you wanna come to Finland and go to Poland, hah. My stepfather worked in Poland for a while and he said that he has never been in such an ugly country. I don't know that much from Poland though. My stepfather said that the language sounds pretty..interesting:D I don't know much interesting places in Helsinki. There are museums and Suomenlinna is quite nice place if you like historical sites. If I traveled to Finland I would propably go to Lapland. It's such a beautiful place.

  17. My sister thought they were just ok..Well, that's some kind of progress 'cause first she didn't like them at all. I think Sunburn was the best part of the whole gig! Just like last time I didn't get any sleep in two days. I was just thinking about the gig and how I'm gonna get to the front row or somewhere near there next time.. My friends can't stand horror films so I have to watch them alone or with my sister and stepbrother. Alone it's a bit too scary though:D I've only seen those Sherlock movies where Robert Downey Jr. acted. The films were pretty fun:D I've seen commercials about the tv- series but i haven't watched any episode. What else have you planned to do in Europe?

  18. It was unbeliveable!! Although the audience wasn't that good at all..There was a lot of people who weren't even interested and were just playing Angry Birds and stuff like that. I was so pissed off for that. But Muse played so well, i can't describe how awesome it was. And they played Sunburn and Liquid State! I just ordered a standing ticket for their gig at Olympiastadion 27.7.2013:) I must be the luckiest girl right now:D But i feel bad for you cos you can't see them playing live..that just sucks. I like all kind of films and i have to admit that i like horror movies:D I'm planning to go and watch the Hobbit, cos i've read the book. Altohugh the film seems quite badly made so..i'm not sure yet.

  19. Yea and I think it's cool to see different kind of bands. Last time when I was at Kaisaniemi to see Muse I didin't get any sleep in two days after the gig, but still I hope I won't fall asleep on the train and miss the stop:D The gig is tomorrow and I can't wait!! I'm going to see them in next summer too! and the pre-sale starts on tuesday at 11:00, and I'm not home then yet so hopefully I'll get a good ticket anyway...What kind of movies do you like?

  20. I'm going with my sister. She doesn't actually even like Muse but we made an agreement that she'll come to see Muse and I'll go to see her favourite band Avenged Sevenfold at some point.. We decided to book a hotel room and leave by train in the morning. The only problem is to catch the train 'cos it leaves quite early:D

  21. No I don't, I was thinking to book a hotel room for the night and leave in the morning by train but hotel rooms are so expensive. By car it lasts about two hours, so it's pretty far, I don't know how many kilometers:D Maybe I'll just ask Matt, Dom and Chris to give me a ride home..

  22. Haha, exactly:D I'm a bit nervous 'cos it's only about two weeks for the gig and I still don't have no idea how I'm gonna get back home from Helsinki..There isn't coming any trains or buses at night so I think I have a problem..:D

  23. Yea it is..I freaked out so much when i heard that Matt's leg is broken and they cancelled their gigs at Norway and Sweden. I was afraid that they would cancel Finland's gig too, but they didn't! I'm so happy:)

  24. I like social studies too. Chemistry is ok, but the teacher is a little bit weird...He talks to his students at facebook which is illegal and stuff like that. Everyone who belongs to church must study religion. But because I'm atheist I must study this other subject, I can't explain it any better:D My testweek starts tomorrow and I have geography test and on friday I have english which should be quite easy.

  25. After this testweek I'll study german, psychology, social studies, chemistry( we have one course of it too like it or not) and um.. I have to study one subject for students who don't belong to church, it's kinda difficult to explain:D

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