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Posts posted by noodlum93

  1. Anyone else notice Dom "singing" at one point? Can't remember what song it was on now, neither Matt or Chris were doing vocals, just Dom.


    I was full sure he was known to be an atrocious singer; any thoughts on them having a sneaky vocal track playing and him doing some pretending? Inside joke perhaps.


    Also yeah, Chris was having the time of his life.



    Edit: to clarify, it wasn't the vocoder part of SMBH, it was proper singing.

  2. Had a brainwave somewhere around The Globalist: thinking of the protagonist as having a split personality disorder (so the love songs are to his other side) could be cool. Well, it makes the whole destroying the world with nuclear war thing creepier, cos it's his other personality that makes him do it, so then it's just him left alone all mental.


    Right fuck it, even I think I sound like a knob. Never mind. Need sleep.


    Album good. Revolt meh, sounds like a Killers B-side. Aftermath no, sounds like Guiding Light part 2. Globalist and Drones; initial thought was self-indulgent wank, then got really cool.


    Most important point, Chris is on fucking fire in this album. Bass is so smooth and fat, epic distortion in parts.

  3. Because that type of fan is the reason stuff like starlight has stuck around and been such a hit, stuff like UD, Madness and DI gets written... or is that the average American fan bringing that stuff out of Muse? If people think Muse are purely a band who write for themselves and don't cater to separate sects of fans you're delusional. There is way too much evidence of the contrary.


    You guys can't say you're fine with that side of the fanbase being around AND then bitch when stuff like UD gets played at LA Rising and is a staple for too long, Starlight is still around and closed sets for part of a tour, and many other setlist bitches that happen at every sexy plane. And 90% of the board is guilty of all that and then comes back around and says they don't care there are twilight fans out there.


    Meh maybe I'm just easy going. I dont see the point in complaining about what they write or who likes it, they're gonna do what they're gonna do. It's their career after all.

    Anyway they're still fucking epic live and are bringing back some of their early greats so happy days in my eyes.

    Hope there's something decent in the album for you.

  4. All I can say is that bass line is fucking smooth. First impressions of the song are good for me.


    And my god we went so long without bringing up fucking Twilight. Just let it go already. Who gives a shit of it brought in extra fans.

  5. Got my tickets too, flying home on saturday, booked the flights before i even knew the tickets were onsale, so glad it paid off!


    Hah nice one! Great venue, they've been talking about doing more intimate gigs for years, nice to finally go to one.

  6. It's a 'paperless' event, so you can't even buy them second hand. Have to show photo ID and card used :(


    Really fucking hope they let me in if I'm not the name on the card, but I have the card I used with me :\ just happened to not have the cash on my own card at 6pm, and was too late to transfer money over.



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