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Posts posted by Andrew.Lennon

  1.                   October 2019
    Hi Musers,

    Anyone in Glasgow (Scotland) or surrounding area looking to collaborate and make some music?


    Drummer, Bassist, keys/2nd guitarist (any backing vox a huge bonus!) aged between about 20-30, any gender welcome. [I’m not long 27 for a guide]

    I’m a guitarist and vocalist looking to write, record and gig. Had a couple of projects that started up and never went anywhere, so looking  for like minded folk to make some music with. 

    Have a bunch of songs partially written, loads of lyrics and ideas and som TASTY riffs!
     I’ve written and recorded an original song last winter (yet to be released) that’s got a bit of a Musey feel to it at points, certainly inspired by them and many other bands. It’s not a Muse cover or tribute band I’m looking to start, but would never say no to jamming out some of their songs.  Looking forward to getting back into the rehearsal studios.

    If you fit the criteria and are looking  for something similar, or know someone that you think would fit, please do get in touch!

    I don’t always get emails for the forum, so if I don’t reply within a few days - send me an email at andrewp.lennon@hotmail.com  or we can try connect on social media!

    Thanks for reading


    A Supermassive Pwoper Muser




  2. love this track! Of the 4 released over the last while for Simulation Theory - this is the first one that has been great from the original listen and not a grower XD best one so far!


    Also get a very Thor: Ragnarok feeling from it too - both film Soundtrack and the video kind of reminds me the beginning of the film with Surtur and the dragon chasing him! It's well cool. I also get a Blade Runner kinda vibe from it too, along with lots of nice throwbacks to old Muse tunes :-D

  3. ** EDIT** cancel that, I got one for the second night fckin yassssssssssss

    but if anyone's got a spare ticket near the time i'd happily go both nights!!



    So I was working on Wednesday for the presale.

    mistakenly left my brother in charge of booking tickets, then he and his friends decided it was too expensive and weren't going, phoned him, by this point (about 9:30) everything had sold out.

    so camped out this morning for general release, no standing tickets whatsoever, and when I then searched for seats - nada. all sold out in the space of 2 minutes.

    I am absolutely gutted and can't miss the Hydro gig, its only a couple of miles away. I'm hoping they add another night!

    so i'm looking for a standing ticket if any of you wonderful Musers have a spare one and you're feeling kind! preferably face value (+fees) of course.

    do let me know!


    congrats to everyone who got tickets.

  4. that gig was fucking unbelievable!

    My 4th Muse Gig and possibly the best setlist Glasgow may ever see.

    saw Royal Blood in the Barras a few weeks back - my 2nd gig in there, and i think its my favourite venue.. soaked in sweat though.

    just wow. wow. wow. wow. it rocked my socks off! Glesga crowds are the best kinda crowds!



    also @ Outside_Now - was it a grey jumper you lost? found one near the front and handed it to security. so you could see about getting it back? or someone has a new Jumper 😛 i almost lost a shoe! and briefly bonded with a guy who almost lost his 😆

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