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Posts posted by Allex

  1. Hi guys,


    I just purchased an ANIMATO pedal on this website:




    It's a one man dealer who runs also a website called Cotton Musical Shop in germany, he told me that his human gear business was quite recent...


    at first I was suspicious because i heard that it was no longer in production and the Japanese shops didn't ship to foreign countries.


    But yeah, what the hell I ordered it anyway and i got it this morning :)


    so i wanted to share this information with you cuz I know some of you were looking for this quite rare piece of gear.


    and I can tell you that on my YBA300, it kick ass


    So go for it, the dude is also really nice. contact him by e-mail if you are interested cuz the ordering system on the website doesn't work right... ;)




    Alexandre from Brussels

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