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Status Updates posted by msantanna

  1. Hello, I want to delet my account. Can you please do that? Cheers

  2. Hello :) Sorry I haven't spoken to you lately, I started school so I don't have much free time :(

    Probably I will not gonna talk to you soon,'cause I'm gonna be occupied :'(

    But I hope you and Mellisa are ok <3

  3. Not really... What about you? :)

  4. Hey! I'm ok thank, what about you?... Sorry I went on vacation and I forgot to visit muse messageboard :$

  5. OMG!!!!!!!!!!! You're back!!! I've missed you sooooo much!!!!!!! :) :) :)

  6. ahahahah I have to follow your friend maddie, AND YOU'VE GOT TO REGISTER ON TUMBLR!!! It have an huge Muse fandom :)))

  7. OMG! You're so sweet, thank you so much :) :) :)

  8. You have to!! Tumblr is my life now :D

  9. don't be sad... today in my birthday it was so hot... I couldn't breathe!!! :LOL: (just kidding) but It was really hot

  10. yup! It's http://instagram.com/nowheremarianne ... but I only have 3 picture. Do you have Tumblr?

  11. :( Don't worry... at least you have time to think what you're gonna do in your birthday :)
  12. Oh... ok :D :D :D I'm so excited! My birthday it's on Friday!!!

  13. Ahahahah, I saw that pictures too :Dhttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdff4gLWA41ro3pleo1_400.png This is my favourite one

  14. There's lots of fandoms about Muse and Doctor Who on Tumblr, lots of Musers that I follow on Tumblr likes Doctor Who

  15. Thxs!!! :p Doctor Who??? I only watched one episode on bbc once, but It's awesome!!! I think Matt Bellamy should be the next doctor :LOL:

  16. First grade? How old are you?? First grade in Portugal you have 6-7 years... 2nd grade 7-8 years, 3rd 8-9 years... and now I'm on 9th grade, and I'm 14 (I'm gonna make 15 next week :) )

  17. Cool! I'm on holiday right now! But I've to go to school when I've exams. I'm gonna have 2 exams: one today (Portuguese exam), and one on 26th June (Maths exam)

  18. A new tv show? Which one? I love tv shows, my favourite is how I met your mother. Oh, ...and my b-day is next week :D

  19. well, I have a portuguese exam tomorrow :( , but my birthday is next week :D

  20. Yeah, it was :) And it's ok, I hope that Muse come next year in Summer Festivals (like Rock in Rio Lisboa), if they come to this festival it would be awesome because I live really close to Bela Vista, where Rock in Rio happens :) :) :D So how r you?

  21. It's ok :( The concert was Monday... I'm sad but I know that Muse will come next year in Summer Festivals (I hope so) So, how are you? Anything new?

  22. Cakes, cookies... Yesterday was the prom, and I had so much fun! But the bad news is that I'm not gonna see Muse live on Monday :( My dad said that the tickets were too expensive, so I sell the tickets :'( And also the trip to the other town was MORE expensive :'( :'( :'(

  23. I'm not gonna see Muse Monday :( My dad said that was to expencive, so I had to sell my tickets :'( :(

  24. It's a little soon to wish me that... but thanks anyway :D

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