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Status Updates posted by SaharaHaarp

  1. Haha yeah! But now I'm back in Czech Republic... I was on 'The Offspring' gig...it was good :)

  2. Wow...I'm so jealous! :eek: I'm still in the Croatia...no news...:LOL:

  3. Haha :D Good luck ;) Then maybe I'll just so happen to win a trip to New York...:LOL:

  4. Ehm...I dunno...:unsure: But it's...far :LOL:

  5. It were like this....: "Sara, let's go to Croatia!" "Yeeah! But...I'll take my electric guitar...Okay?!" "Ehm...okay..." :D :D

  6. Shot? ....why? :ohmy: I'm happy :happy: (Finally - go to Croatia) :D

  7. A hele...konečně tady taky nějakej Muser ze Slovenska...:D

  8. Hi my Muser sis! :D How are u today? :)

  9. Yes....I'll go to the Croatia next week. (Finally! - sun, sea, internet...and along the way mp3 player and Muse! :D) What are you planning on holidays? :)

  10. Yeah....that's cool name! :LOL:

  11. I'm home today. :happy: But I'm angry - there is too slow internet... :indiff::D

  12. I'm fine! :) Do you like the name 'Bingham'? I love it! :D BING BING BING BING...:D :D

  13. Hi my Muser friend! :D How are you today? :)

  14. Yeah, Justin Bieber is gay!! ;) Maybe Czech Republic is a good country, but when you live here, it's a bit boring..:D

  15. Unfortunately there are people who say how much they hate Muse. They think 'Justin Bieber is better '...I want to kill these people!! :( Haha, yeah! You will be welcome in the Czech Republic! ;):D Wow, New York must be a wonderful place!! :)

  16. You must come to Czech Republic! :) There are no Musers :( :(

  17. Yep...:( And where are you? I'm going to Croatia. I go there every year...:)

  18. Oh...I'm sorry for you :( For me vacation now starting (fortunately) :)

  19. Oh, thanks :) I'm feeling good :D And you?

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