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Posts posted by diamond_writer

  1. Last night I had a dream where I was at the Coliseum with Tom and Dom. Tom had a record thing that DJs have. Anyway, there was also this Asian guy there. I asked Dom for a drumstick, but Tom threw the drumstick to the Asian guy. :mad: Then Muse were just about to play, but the alarm woke me up. :mad:

  2. Just had a dream last night that Dom was just walking the streets where I was. When he was finally alone I asked him if I could take a picture with him and he said yes. So I got my phone out, took the picture, and he left. Later when I got home I looked at the picture and it was a picture of me with a black dude instead of Dom.... damn you dreams :(


    :LOL: :lol: wut?

  3. his halloween costume is the highlight of my weekend lol, and it's soooo suits him. the guy is AWESOME.


    In other news, I finally figured out that i should probably just post the direct links to hq pics to save everybody's time and space :) so look for some hq Ivor Awards goodies under a spoiler. I know it's not only Dom but I'm too lazy to search for the Ivor thread instead or something. and I loooove Dom's outfit there :D



    The links don't work. :(

  4. OK, I don't remember what this has to do with Muse exactly, but it has to do them!


    Me and some kids I know were on this stage, and my crush was sitting behind a table, but he didn't have his signature hat, which is really weird, for reasons I won't disclose. But he was still hot, anyway. :stunned:... Then we all were sitting in chairs on the stage, and my crush was sitting next to me, but then it was this kid who sits behind me in Social Studies. Then we were standing for some Muse/Jeopardy thing. Then it ended. Thoughts/ Explain this to me?

  5. Had a dream Chris was sitting on my coffee table wearing lingire. I almost-ran out of the room and saw Dom wearing a bikini. I then turned to go to my room when Matt came out of my room wearing his sparkly suit/blue glasses thing. He stopped and handed me the glasses, and kept on going without so much as a helllo. I went into my room and found a layer of banana peels all over the floor.





    Was it pretty?

  6. At last someone posted one! Ice-creammmmmm!!!:p


    I had one last night.Maybve because I'm thinking too much about this year's Reading:stunned:

    I was in my backyard and strangely it looked 100 times bigger than it is.:erm: And there were huge amps everywhere.While I was walking I saw Tom plugging in some cables with my father! I was like :eek: and I ran into the house screaming to my mom "Toooooom gtusjfhijidfhjhf and dad rfehjbjhh!". Then when my dad came in I asked him:

    -What are you doing with Tom Kirk?Why he is here?And why you DIDN"T tell me??

    -I'm helping him get ready for the gig.That band you like,Muse,are perfoming here onight.

    I thought "omg Matt Dom and Chris are coming here.I'm gonna meet them!:awesome:"

    I phoned my friend to tell her to come to my backyard gig and then I saw Matt back there and his hair was long like Dom's.

    Then my dad said not to bring tones of thing for Muse to sign so I was making that list when I found out that my laptop was on and I came to massageboard at the New thread where Tom had anounced that they were about to give their new album to everyone who would be at the gig.Then I saw that there was a new Chris' tweet every second saying "2 mins before tonight's gig" and the other one I can remember right now "I'm so nervous".

    Suddenly I heard Take a Bow playing and I ran straight to my backyard.(I thought thety where about to play songs from OoS:confused: ).

    Anyways after that they played ExoPart1 so when I ended Cds where falling on out heads(the cover was pinky-purple bubles) and I was so freakin happy:happy:

    I headed straight to where the 3 of them were and asked for an autograph and Matt singed my brand new Muse album but what he wrote had covered every detail of the beautiful cover art:p:D:awesome:

    After that I woke up but I have to admit it wasn't eay at all to sleep after that:rolleyes:


    That's a great dream! I wonder if that really will be the album artwork.

  7. No, I have one. Me and some people I know came off a freeway in southern CA,and it magically transformed into Italy.Two people were using someone's roof as a slide. Then me and some girl were making coffee for Matt. Lots of cream, no sugar, and some cinnamon. Then the dream ended.

  8. I had a dream where I opened this locker and inside was a mini guitar in a glass case, then I heard Chris playing an epic rock-god guitar solo :eek:. Next scene, I'm at the far right side of the stage,watching Muse play. but Chris and Matt are both playing guitars,no bass. Maybe Morgan was playing it but I don't know. Then the dream ended. :erm:. Weird.

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