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Posts posted by muse2503

  1. I don't think it's encouraged more the norm for most shows.


    Having done seats I get annoyed that my enjoyment is limited by those people who insist on sitting all the way through. I sat through some of Green Day because I had to. But I didn't insist anyone else sit down in front of me- it's a rock/Pop show not the opera


    And yes the o2 seats are bloody uncomfortable


    I was considering booking seats for next time I see Muse because the things that annoy me with standing is how people are always jumping up infront of you/on you (I swear everytime I go I attract the one person in the surrounding area who likes to barge into people and shout to their friends for the whole concert, feel like I missed the whole intro + Reapers because of this as did others around me) and I ended out watching half the show through people's phones despite being very close to the stage.


    I'm not sure I would find the seats much better from what people have been saying! I guess I'm just too fussy for this world :p

  2. I'm having a lot of Muse dreams now that things are starting to happen. Last night I dreamed I was at a very small intimate Muse concert and not many people even turned up to watch so we were all sitting on the floor nice and relaxed, then I remembered I had a tub of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer that I need to eat (I do in real life) and I was sitting on the floor eating it (I could taste it in my dream) while Matt was on stage smiling at me, it was lovely

  3. One of the categories on the Pointless Final was Muse top 40 singles.


    EDIT: The pointless answers included Butterflies and Hurricanes, Hysteria, Resistance, Unintended, Dead Star, Hyper Music and Sing for Absolution.


    When was this?! I try to watch Pointless every day, I can't believe I missed this! Oh well, I would've said Dead Star so I'm happy that I would've won

  4. I had a weird dream last night... Matt was a wildlife guy a bit like David Attenborough and I think I was probably filming it, he was walking through a jungle and there were human sized lemurs everywhere and he got into a tree, picked a baby lemur up and said, 'This is my son, I'm actually a lemur'. Then he dangled upside down from a branch with another lemur and started saying things like, 'That's where I killed a lion and ate it, that's where I killed a deer and ate it etc...' and he picked up a branch and started trying to eat it but it was too hard to eat, and then my alarm went off and I woke up.

    I think that's one of the strangest dreams I've ever had, it freaked me out a bit so I had to share it.

  5. I dreamt that the gig I saw came with another gig a week later, so I went to it and for some reason there was hardly anyone there. I got right up to the barrier and there were only a couple of lines behind me. Then Muse started playing and one woman behind me started singing so loudly I couldn't hear Matt (probably dreamt this cus the guy I went with in real life did this) so I shouted at her to shut up, then Matt stopped playing and he looked at me and said, what did you say? So I told him and he laughed and told the woman to be quiet and carried on playing :) The dream cut to me trying to walk home but I was too giddy from Matt talking to me so I felt drunk and had forgotten the whole gig, then I woke up and thought it was real but it wasn't :(

  6. Comedy Centrals new advert sounds like a cover of survival to me, anyone else noticed it?


    Yes I thought it was too, but my boyfriend was talking over it so I couldn't really hear, definitely heard parts of it though.


    I'm disappointed that I haven't heard it on the olympics yet, I just watched a medal ceremony and they were playing chariots of fire

  7. I had another dream that I met Muse (this happened last Saturday night too, I see a pattern forming here)

    I was walking along in town and in the square there was a massive crowd and Muse were playing in the middle, so I got all excited. They finished playing not long after I arrived, but everyone left really quickly and Muse were just standing there so I went over to them and had a lovely conversation with them :) They remembered my name from the last time I met them (in my last dream) but then they had to go, so I watched their tour coach go. They put a sign on the back saying 'We miss you!' which was very nice of them :) Then I realised Dom was left behind and I don't really know why that was, but I think I was about to go back to his house with him and then I woke up :(

  8. I met Matt last night, I'd been at a Muse concert and I'd won a competition where the prize was to meet them. I hugged Chris and Dom but had a whole conversation with Matt. We ended up at a restaurant and he was giving me his phone number so we could meet up next time he was near, then a couple of my friends came along and I was like, 'Look, it's Matt Bellamy!' and they sat down with us and we had a lovely conversation. Then I woke up and realised it didn't happen :( It was such a vivid dream, I still feel like I've met him.

  9. I had a dream that I was sitting in a room and Matt came walking in wearing his red skinny jeans. I got up and slapped his arse and he turned round and high fived me :D Then I went over to talk to Dom because he was wearing his spiderman costume. I don't know where Chris was.

  10. Last night I dreamt that I was on stage with Muse and Chris was ill so they asked if I could play bass for them. I don't actually play bass, I'd be much better off on piano, but obviously I tried for them. I coudn't work out the notes though, I was just trying to play by ear but I kept getting it wrong and the fans were getting really pissed off at me (thankfully it was only a small gig) so Matt was like, do you wanna go to the park and have a picnic instead? So I said yes and I had a picnic with Muse and felt awesome :)

  11. she's my friend whose going to the same COLLEGE AS MATT WAS!!!


    Jealous D:

    I had a dream last night that on the way to college I saw Matt, Dom and Chris walking ahead of me so I ran up to them and hugged them all then nearly cried cus I didn't have a camera with me. Then I had another dream that instead of the royal wedding it was Matt and Kate getting married and I was watching a documentary of it all, then when I woke up I thought it was real :) Because of course, Matt Bellamy's wedding should be more important than the royal one, he's a god.

  12. Pretty much the whole Origin of Symmetry album, I already liked Bliss and Space Dementia but until about a month ago when I bought it to complete my collection, I hadn't really listened to Citizen Erased and Micro Cuts. I just thought they sounded like 'noise', and now I feel ashamed for every thinking that. I love the introduction to Citizen Erased and how does he get his voice to go up about an octave in the same sentence!? He's amazing

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