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Status Updates posted by ItalicThunderCat

  1. Good times. I am jealous. I got bloody soaked on my up to uni today so any good weather would be a freaking miracle event.

    has that drama been resolved? Bitches and hoes, man. nothing but trouble!:rolleyes:


    did u get that work done in the end? i was up till 4am last night sorting out my last assignment of the term. So glad i got it done though. up at 8.30, tweaked it and then baaam all done.

  2. Haha! I think thats the absolute minimum. Shag or nothing at all.

    Wicked stuff.

    Lucky bugger! That sounds mint. Good place to be when it this cold to! Ah well, pull an all nighter and get it done. Youll be happy smiles and laughing about it when its done. Rarotonga though. Just going on holiday?

  3. haha cheers. I have no idea if itll work really but who knows! It has worked before on a very different type of girl but who knows. We'll see...

    Its all good so far. Its the end of the term so ive been catching up on work and doing all that good jazz. Havent been to a lecture all week though. The snow is enough of an excuse to miss class!

    Hows it all going with you though mate? Study going strong still? Been enjoying the snow to i hope!

  4. Well at least its something ae? Your only 17 so id imagine it be quite tough. I wouldnt have a hope if i was doing this at 17 or even 18.

  5. Sounds good mate. Vic has been pretty sweet so far. Nah I dont know anyone called Rory but ah well! Wonder if you know anyone from the Joan Stevens Hall? Theres a fair few people from Palmy who stay here. Btw, saw your post in the Uni thread and fucking gratz man!

  6. haha fuuccck getting the hang of this board. Cheers for the shout though!


    yeah man uni and all that. starting a commerce degree with Victoria and just crunching through the work. Oh who moved across? I could know them...Not likely to be a connection but ive met a few people who have done the samething as me.


    You are Super Sammy! My name is Steffan, thanks for asking.

  7. Sweet as! I know a few people who are up there now. Im down in Wellington. just moved here from the UK. NZ is awesome.

  8. Yeah man im kiwi through and through. Still pretty new to this muse board. cant tell if you are or not but im guessing your close!

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