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Status Updates posted by earth

  1. Fook you're pretty.. NO, BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Welcome Ventus :D

    Yay, I'm first :p


  4. Faren has da magical powers!

  5. Yo, catapult that catapult over already so I can catapult to you!

  6. Lovin' the name!

  7. Haha, I like your thinking :p Bugs are so yucky D:

  8. Ohhh, mosquitoes are even worse! I'm always too scared to squish them cos the thought of someone elses blood coming out is horrible :p

  9. Haha thanks :p I actually really really hate flies.I think only because me and my friends would catch them, or sometimes we would break their wings off, or once we even tried tying a string to one...lol

  10. nung nung nung nung nung nung

  11. Hehehe :p Mmm spring roll....

  12. Spook6 has not received any visitor messages.

    Until now!

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