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Everything posted by alibros

  1. 15th of June actually makes sense now. Unsustainable trailer was released on the 6th of June, and the original release date was 17th of September. A Monday, 3 months and 11 days more after the trailer. June 15th happens to be a Monday, 3 months and 12 days from today. Hence, trailer's coming out tomorrow!
  2. so I put the image through image search and the first result is http://mil.sohu.com/20130104/n362381057.shtml what're the chances the this page contains something that'd give us a hint?! #obviouslynone
  3. very true. Although, the whole point of the Unsustainable teaser was the "holy fuck they've gone dubstep" factor and the the spoken words that would explain the title of the album. (those and the obvious fact that Tom had to find something to include his TV in ... ) So if there is a teaser it's gonna have to be something provocative, like a face melting riff or some Nolan-level drones fight scene.
  4. regarding Si's tweet do we know for a fact that he's working on what ever's happening today? A simple render for youtube shouldn't take 3 macs and a three capital RENDERS tweet! He might have just started doing the actual visuals for the tour? summer festivals? #IamObviouslyHypedUp
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