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Status Updates posted by Cypher.

  1. It may have been mentioned, but it actually wasn't too bad, thanks. :) Didn't do anything exciting, but even Chemistry was bearable for once! What about yours?

  2. Ahaha, I do try to stop myself, but if I'm texting or anything I'll pull all the faces and people look at me like I'm insane! It's not so bad when I'm at home, but when it's at school and the whole year can see me it's pretty bad... :$:LOL:

  3. Well my dad drove me to Manchester to see Muse, but only because he wanted to see them too, and Sonisphere's much further away. :( I suppose £60-£70 isn't completely unreasonable if there are other good bands playing on the same day, so depending on the line-up and train prices there's a slim chance that I might be able to go. :D I'm seeing Murderdolls on the 8th Feb though :D I reckon I'll see all the members of Slipknot seperately before I see Slipknot! :LOL:

  4. I have that problem too :$:LOL: I think it annoys people...:$:(:stunned::LOL: Sorry, I'll stop now. Even if I'm imagining a conversation in my head I tend to put similes in, and occasionally actually pull the face! :$:LOL: Yup, I have a problem :LOL:

  5. It was actually really annoying, because a few of my friends met him and then showed me pictures of them with him :mad::( AND 5 minutes later another friend told me about how she'd met the Rev and showed me his autograph and she told me that he'd grabbed her bum, despite her being 15 at the time! :eek: I haven't been to any festivals, apart from Evolution which is a bit crappy and doesn't really count. :( Hadouken! were there though, which was pretty good. I don't suppose you know anything about Sonisphere day tickets do you? Because if I could get one just for the Sunday and it wasn't too expensive i might be able to see Slipknot...but then again maybe not, bacause the train tickets'd be so expensive. :(

  6. Aw that's a shame, there's definitely a lack of fit boys in our form too! :LOL: Although, you never know, she might be a Muser! :D I'm doing very little, as usual, although I have a fair bit of work to do for school :( It's not really getting done though, this board's too distracting! :LOL:

  7. Avenged were so good, as were Stone Sour :D However, I found out afterwards that if I'd just gone round the corner of the building when I arrived I'd've met Corey Taylor, 'cause my friend did :eek::( And you're seeing Slipknot :eek::eek::eek: At Sonisphere I take it? I really want to see them, in fact I had a dream the other day that my parents bought me tickets, and when I woke up it took me a while to realise that it wasn't real. :( I was so dissapointed.

  8. Aww, damn you Paramore...if I fail it'll be because of this board! I would have quite liked to see Paramore actually, loads of my friends went, but I had no money...spent it on seeing Muse and Stone Sour/Avenged Sevenfold (who I much prefer to Paramore!)

  9. I know what you mean, when I first started playing I would always hit other strings apart from the one I was meant to be picking, but I don't so much anymore so I guess it is just a matter of practice. Maybe if I spent more time on it I'd actually be able to play something and sound half decent... Then again there are so many things I say I want to do/should do but never get round to doing... :LOL:

  10. Hopefully, I'm just going to forget about it until I get the results! :LOL: So, you done anything interesting recently/over the weekend?

  11. I know, it would actually be the best thing ever...unless I couldn't go of course :LOL: I'm good thanks, (apart from it being a Monday!) You? :)

  12. I'm pretty good thanks, you? Thanks for asking, it went a lot better than I was expecting, so hopefully I'll have done ok! I'm relieved now that I don't have anymore for a while! :LOL:

  13. Ah, I try (and fail, miserably) at playing the guitar, I can play Plug in Baby too though! :) My sister just got a bass for christmas, so I've had a go on that, but I think I prefer guitar, possibly because I only have small hands so can't reach the frets properly on the bass! :LOL:

  14. Haha, I didn't like it at first, and it still isn't anywhere near the top of my list of favourite Muse songs, but if I ignore the Twilight connections I actually don't mind the song. Twilighters annoy me too. Of course I don't have a problem with people getting into the band through their well-known songs, it's just people who only know a couple of songs and then claim that Muse is their favourite band! And I do know quite a few people like that... :stunned: I think Muse should play Micro Cuts/Yes Please/Execution Commentry at every gig, just to see the reactions of the Twilighters :LOL: (and becasue I like those songs!)

  15. Haha yeah, and I agree, a cheese overload wouldn't be good :S Although I won't lie, despite OOS being my favourite album, I do like The Resistance and even rather enjoy listening to NSC from time to time :eek: (please don't hurt me!) To be honest, I could understand if there was one cheesy song on the album, they'll want to try and accommodate to their new audience I suppose, I just hope that the whole album doesn't end up like that, as you said!

  16. Hopefully, I don't know how us musers would cope if he suddenly became...normal! :eek: I'm sure Kate's a perfectly nice person, I think the reason that many people are opposed to him dating her is that they are unhappy that Muse have become more 'mainstream', and at the same time Matt starts dating a famous Hollywood actress, so they decide that she isn't right for him...if that makes sense. And I admit that I did that too, to an extent :$

  17. Good, I think I sometimes scare people away with my rambling! :LOL: To be honest, I think very few people on here were pleased about Matt even dating Kate, so I guess people (me included) are going to be shocked/unhappy about this news, but in the end, it's his life not ours and he's free to date anyone he likes...and he obviously does like her.


    I just wonder what it'll be like for the child, growing up with a Hollywood actress for a mother and, well, Matt as the dad...

  18. I'm good thanks :). I'm Melissa :happy: AND OMFG KATE HUDSON IS PREGNANT WITH MATT'S CHILD :eek::stunned: Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest, seeing as we're not allowed to make threads about it. :LOL: And I just realised that I really overuse smilies...


    Anyway, I'm going to shut up now, I have a tendancy to ramble incoherently...sorry :LOL:

  19. I'm good thanks, pretty happy 'cause I've just finished my exams...for now anyway! We had loads of snow just before Christmas and our school was shut...which is something of a miracle considering our headteacher NEVER shuts the school! :LOL:


    Don't say that...if you try hard enough you'll be able to do either I'm sure :) What do you play?

  20. Hi, thanks for the friend request. :) How are you?

  21. Thanks, and I don't especially like it at the moment, I'm hoping it gets better later in the year. :stunned:


    And good luck for your exam(s). :) I know it's rather early... :LOL:

  22. For Chemistry...I had a Physics one today, Biology yesterday and Maths on Monday :eek::LOL:, but fortunately I don't have any more for a while after tomorrow. Anyway, I am actually going to revise now, so hopefully I won't fail... :LOL:


    Oh, and I'm Melissa. :) I'm guessing you're Jade? :LOL:

  23. Pretty good thanks. :) Although I've got an exam tomorrow which I should be revising for right now... :eek: Anyway, what about you?

  24. Hello! Thanks for the friend request :) Glancing down at your visitor messages (yes, I'm nosey, sorry :p ) I see that you're interested in medicine...well, I'm hoping to go to med school too :D Anyway, just thought I'd say hi... :)

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