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Posts posted by DreamWalker104

  1. I had a strange dream where me and my friend went into this Muse gig in this tiny little hall and got up onto the stage and they were playing Knights of Cydonia but really badly because they were playing it acoustically for the first time and it sounded awful and suddenly they stopped and started doign weird stuff with their instruments. I really wanted an autograph but i felt too shy so all i did was smile at Matt and then security came onstage and said to me and my friend "Are you here for the audition?" and my friend said yes so we went behidn this curtain and it all suddenly turned into the theatre that i go to and then Knights of Cydonia came blasting out of my phone because someone was ringing me at two in the morning and i woke up :( Strange dream :confused:

  2. Musey dream lastnight (with a bit of Green Day!)


    Matt, Dom, Chris, Billie Joe Armstrong and Tré Cool (Don't know where Mike Dirnt was) smashed my kitchen window with a shoe, then they came into my house and trashed my bedroom, Matt and Chris tried to steal my wardrobe but failed so they took all of my clothes. Dom stole my Muse collection (CD's, DVD's, Books, Posters everything!) and my dog. Billie Joe stole my pillows and keyboard, Tré carried Matt out of the room and flushed him down the toilet..... :confused:


    I almost spilled my drink laughing at that, epecially the last bit, i can imagine it as well! :LOL:

  3. I d another muse dream last night that they were doing a gig in this massive fish tank and there was fish everywhere and it was amazing but they had a fourth member actually onstage with them and he was playing matts glitterati and matt had no guitar, he was just singing. Anyways they did a few songs and then this new guy started singing and they played 2 minutes to midnight by iron maiden with this new guy singing it. It was seriously strange :erm:

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