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Posts posted by museismystarlight

  1. This makes me sad. :LOL:. I guess confirming my irrational hopes of hearing old songs. :stunned: But still..I will never be able to give up total hope. And I can't see me ever stopping going to their shows thats just blasphemous..they have been and will continue to be my favorite band. So even if their new record blows, I'll still pay for them to play it. :musesign:



    And I mean. I recall not being immediately in love with TR album, but it grew on me. And I appreciate it. I guess like a lot of things, it's muse at the end of the day, and although I have songs or albums I enjoy more, I sort of mentally see it all as one collective album.



    That's my soapbox and I'm sticking to it.




    But yeah. Not going to lie, I still hope for Dead Star..and Muscle Museum and like 5 others. hahaha.

  2. As was explained on the Columbus thread, iirc, it varies from venue to venue, you'd be better off asking on the thread for the gig you're going to as it's more likely that the folk there will have been to a gig at the same place recently enough for it to be the same process.


    exactly. most of the time you'll get a wristband though i think. but i dont think that happens until a bit before the doors open. for the most part i think its informal. and just sort of monitored.

  3. has anyone heard from OP? I'm going to assume he succumbed to the saltiness and is no long with us, or arrested for possession of MDMA. :p


    :LOL: i doubt any muser could fatally succumb to the saltiness. if anything i like to imagine everyone he knows....has gathered round for his 'funeral'. and just as the crowd goes to cover up the casket..he sits up "don't wake daddy style" and starts singing..


    no ones going to take me alive.



    pssshahahaha. :happy:

  4. No one's heard from the OP because he's being held by Muse. He stumbled on to their plot to control the minds of the audience by coating the streamers with a powerful drug that absorbs instantly upon contact with the skin. They did not, however, count on anyone swallowing the drug, and are doing experiments to see how effective it can be after having gone through the digestive system. This would prove a much more convenient way of administering it, I would think.


    :eek::eek: hahahaha i wish

  5. We all want to know how the guy's doing, but he hasn't replied in a while..

    Well, I'm guessing most of us want to know how he's doing, the rest probably just want a good lol :p


    lol hopefully hes not having an adverse reaction to the salty streamer substance.

  6. Yeah, they're fairly regular although the vast majority tend to happen in and around the UK. There have been a few US/Aussie/etc meets arranged in the past though.


    Edit: Meet and greets as meets between friends on the board, not meets with the band that is. . .I am not typing very well tonight. Being up for 19 hours does me no favours.


    haha yeah i meant between people online.


    that would be...amazing if it was with band..but im not naive enough to believe that would happen. would be......epic though.

  7. Yeah, good to check before you go!


    From Muse's very own twitter page:




    Classy :LOL:




    Seems to be very hit and miss as to whether they will come out after the gig, they seem to do it less and less these days. As for getting something off stage. . .best bet is to make friends with the security guards before the gig starts and ask them to try and get you a setlist at the end!




    ooh true. good plan. i will never give up my quest for a picture with them. sigh.

  8. I think we are up to 6 gigs together (muse only not counting kasabian)


    yes i love meeting with you guys even if there isn't a gig to go to :LOL:




    We all started as newbie and then you get to know people, you go to meets and feel very shy but then people are great and you end up having a great time!




    There was a picture on twitter back then... I'll see if I can find it.


    so you mean theres coordinated meet and greets for people on the forum?

  9. We were all newbies at one point! I'm sure you'll find some people in the NJ thread who will be queueing whom you can hang out and make friends with.


    exactly. :D i dont think making friends will be an issue at all. the real problem is...figuring out how to meet them....or you know hope to catch something they throw off the stage at the very least. ;)

  10. :LOL: Moment of win.






    Idk what it's like over there, having never been to a gig there before. . .you will always get a handful of people who turn up super early, but it's difficult to judge really. If you get there early and find that there is nobody else about at all, you could always go and get a coffee or something while you wait for others to show up.


    true. lol.


    i suppose i should ask my friend what her limit is..instead of dragging her around.


    do you have a picture of dom's gaga outfit? :D

  11. Nah we could see them fine... especially when Dom walked on stage in his outfit!! We didn't miss a view of that from where we were :LOL:


    Ali: "why is Lady Gaga on stage......... OMG DOM!!!" :eek::LOL:


    lmao. thats awesome.


    That's a good question, I need to sit down and work this one out :LOL:


    Laure is right though, there are some amazing people on here who I have become very close to. . .makes the gig going experience all the more special! Even flew off to Australia on holiday with a boardie a few years ago, that was amazing.



    wow. well im a newbie. so i dont know much of anyone yet. i should have joined ages ago.

  12. It was certainly an experience!




    So long as you queue up in plenty of time, then I think you'll be grand :)


    The vast majority of us go with people from the forum as one big group, although you do get a few people who prefer to go it alone and do their own thing. It's worth doing, it's a lot of fun and a great way of getting to visit new places.


    yeah i definitely will be going a few hours beforehand but im not sure if this is something i need to be there for like...a full day for. since i was sort of spoiled and never had to do this before. i mean some people were saying for the la show that they got there at 6 am. which i totally get since muse hasn't played there in 5 years. but im wondering if this is standard practice.

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