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Status Updates posted by ImFallingAwayWithMUSE

  1. ah yeah its not fair you have until february :mad::p hehe yeah btw what is ncea?

    and im doing good thanks :) just stressed because finals week is coming up :eek:

  2. Yea I needed a break too...been so busy lately i havent gone on!!! But yay I'm here again :D

    N Thanks! :$ He's from here too. Beautiful California ;) lol

    How was your break?

  3. sooo sorry about the late reply :( I've just been soo busy lately. We had our winter break about 2 weeks ago....i hate to be back in school :/

    how are you?

  4. just been busy with school as always :)

    I usually find time to go on the computer during the night...but i try not to do that because I end up staying online all night and hardly getting any sleep :LOL:

  5. i haven't really been listening to any much lately, but I came across Fury backwards yesterday, and it's pretty cool! :D

    here it is if you're interested in listening to it :)

  6. I've been very busy myself!!! I'm still doing hw right now :(

    but I'm really happy because I got to see my bf this morning and I haven't seen him since june ^^ hehe but yea how are you??

  7. ah really?? I haven't heard that one yet!! I think that's what I'm going to do now :happy:

  8. ohhh ok sounds like a fun band :D

    wow! you're very musically inclined....you're probably quite gifted :happy:

    I suppose when you say it will provide experience for the future, you're planning on seeking a career in music?

    awesome btw!! plug in baby must have been fun to do :)

    ahhh I just got home from visiting family in arizona :p

    and how have you been?

    sorry for the late reply btw :(

  9. hmmm red hot must be very good then if they share the number 1 spot with muse...lol

    -goes off to listen to some RHCP-

  10. oh a swing band? I feel retarded admitting this but I don't think I know what that is :$:LOL:

    haha what kind of band is that?

    uh high school musical? lol interesting. you should start a petition to do a muse song! :awesome::musesign:

    and....aside from piano and guitar I think I'd like to learn how to play the violin :happy:

  11. lol thanks :D

    Well at least you're in the band! It must be so much fun ^^

    But yeah with school and homework to do, it doesn't really leave you any time to try to learn something new :(

    Hopefully you can learn the saxophone! One of my friends used to play it before :) It's a very nice instrument it has a nice sound too.

  12. They are pretty awesome! ;)

    I think my favorite song of theirs backwards is MK Ultra...but I have yet to hear them all so that might change :happy:

  13. no way!! piano?? You're so cool! lol

    id love to learn esp piano but i dnt have time unfortunately :erm:

    Back in middle school I played clarinet! :LOL:

  14. :eek: u play guitar?! thts sooo cool!! :cool: i wish i knew how to play :)
  15. hey! thanks for joining "we <3 backwards muse" ^^

  16. haha cool thx for joining! i think tht songs really beautiful :)

  17. o no problem :D i jst love matts sense of style ;)

    n thx! hehe drummer matt is awesome ;)

  18. o its so awesome u got to see them live!! no worries i wont get upset id actually enjoy hearing how it was :happy:

    n aww congrats! :D i hope things go well for you n him ^^

    ive been doing alright thx :D i wish school was over already haha

  19. thts so cool :D i figured it was you since the username was similar haha sorry i must seem like some kind of creeper but im not lol i recently added you as a friend my username is flyingblosom :D

    cool vids btw :p

  20. hello sorry for the random comment but by any chance do you have a youtube account? :D

  21. hello! thx for ur comment ^^

    n yes falling away with you is very good i love it very much :happy: thx for joining the group by the way :D

    how are you?

  22. haha ok ill let u know wen we shuld switch places :D

    oh u like red hot chili peppers? idk a lot of songs by them but theyre pretty cool :happy:

  23. Yea the weathers been really weird ovr here lol it was getting cold then all of a sudden there was a heat wave! we actually broke a record :) i want it 2 b cold tho! Ur so lucky!! I love the rain i cant wait for the rainy season

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