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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. :awesome:


    I haven't been to Kent or Surrey:chuckle: what type of things is there to do in those places?


    I reply in a minute ;)


    :D! Have you seen Miley Cyrus' cover of Nirvans's Smells Like Teen Spirit? :noey: Kurt is shooting himself all over again and Dave must want to shoot himself!



    I'm guessing she's still with that dude? How's it going with them? Good bad? Hopefully their relationship will only last a couple of weeks!


    :chuckle: I did know how, but I didn't (you know what I mean:p) I didn't know how because my keyboard is two rooms away from the computer with all the editing software, so we had to figure something out around that! :)


    :awesome: how was the festival? Were there any big bands there? :) how long did it take you to organise everything? Did you have to pay for it all?


    Today I just had the usual school ;) Hollie's on holiday so it's lime part of me is missing! :(


    Love you!


  2. :awesome::)

    Yeah :) she also has an obsession with a band called Escape The Fate :rolleyes::chuckle:

  3. :awesome:;)

    :eek: took us about 13-14 hours :eek:

    Yep :) my old iTouch was 8GB too! I had 700 songs, could only fit a couple more! I has the Muse app too! That took up a lot of MB. My new iPod is 32GB :D. When I went to put music on it yesterday, DISASTER!!! half of my Muse albums wouldn't work! I have to go 2 weeks without listening to Absolution, H.a.a.r.p, Hullabaloo disk 2 and Showbiz! :'( I'm not gonna survive! Absolution is my favourite Album!! :'(

    :D oh right!

    :awesome: what have you been up to today? :)

    Love you!


  4. :awesome::yesey:!

    Oh noes!!!! Are you gonna kill your friends?:chuckle:. Think positively! He might say Yes!! :yesey:

    Well, in art we had a supply teacher and she was coming round the class with a pen and paper taking everyones names for the register. When she got to me and Liam, he said his name then said "now this is my wife, Jade." I was :stunned: everyone, including the teacher had a :wtf: expression on their face :chuckle:

  5. :awesome::yesey:


    :( there was kind of a food fight in the dinning hall, so we got hit with a bottle of water which exploded and went all over us :rolleyes: and I slipped over on the wet floor next to the money machines :( it was quite funny actually :chuckle:

    My Friday was okay thanks :) had drama and tennis :D how was your Friday?


    ʚϊɞ ♥ ʟøvε ƴøυ ♥ ʚϊɞ



    Aww thanks :)

    :D can't wait to see what you get :)

  6. :D :D "Fuck of you cunt! Yeah you! Fuck you!"


    :happy: my brother was teaching me, but then he gave up because he has no patience :rolleyes: so I've taught myself :happy: good luck learning ;)

    :LOL: the good thing about it being to big is that its nice and warm :awesome:

    I'm good thanks just bored stiff :rolleyes: you? :happy:

  7. :D :D :D you just made my day :kiss::happy: I don't know how to explain what he looks like :chuckle: well he's so cute! :happy:

    Awwwh!! I'm thinking he has a crush on you too :happy: :happy:

  8. :D :D I've been attempting the B&H solo too! But I need bigger hands, stupid small girl hands :indiff:. Naaah I can't sing to save my life :LOL: can you sing?

    :happy: yey !!

  9. :D good that you got to stay with your musey friend :):awesome:


    :chuckle: you gave a little concert to some sheep


    :eyebrows: do you think she likes you? :) Marta sounds awesome! :awesome:

    Glad you had a good time!


    It was good, and bad. Good because of the first 2 days! They were awesome! Pendulum and Korn Friday night, amazing bands live! On Saturday Escape The Fate, Avenged Sevenfold and System of a Down were all amazing as well! Sunday wasn't as good, it was absolutely chucking it down! Got drenched! We saw Bowling for Soup and The Pretty Reckless on Sunday ;) we managed to get on the second row for the pretty reckless because everyone was leaving because of the weather! So that was good, but we had to leave early because we were all fed up of the rain, we missed Bullet For My Valentine and Linkin Park! So I was gutted about that! Oh and on Saturday we got on the barrier for a band we'd never heard of :chuckle: so overall is was okay :)


    :happy: glad you're back too!


    What have you done today?

    I found out today that Liam fancies me :stunned: because I was off Friday, he told my friends Heather and Paige. They told me today I was like :stunned::eek: Heather also told me that he's scared to ask me out because he doesn't know how I'll react :supersad: so I don't know whats going to happen now!


    Love you too!


  10. :D I love cleverbot!! It's never proposed to me though :chuckle:

    He'd ask stuff like "I see you're quite close friends with my daughter. Now tell me HOW close are you?" "what are your average grades?" "do you smoke? Do drugs? Steal?" :chuckle: but I dont know, he might actually not mind him going :erm: From what I've told Liam about my dad, he seems to think they'd get along well :rolleyes: oh and if he did go he'd probably be watching Liams every move! Watching to see if he gets too close to me! :rolleyes:

  11. :D I really want to learn Cross-Pollination! It's so hard though!



    :$ I haven't kissed anyone either. I only get hugs :$ out of my group of friends there's only me, Hollie and Lea that haven't kissed anyone yet :$ don't worry, you're not alone!


    Is it the Eurovision Song Contest? I think u e heard if that. :happy:


    Love you!


  12. :D I'll try too!

    Agreed :happy: Has Jack said anything to Connor yet :D

    :awesome: what play is it? :happy:

    :eek: if my mum found out about Liam she'd be like "aww is that that sweet lad that was following us round at options evening?" she'd never drop it either :rolleyes:

    I had to get my retainer today :'( I found out I have to wear it all day for 6 weeks! :'( :'(


    Thanks :happy:

    <3 Billie Joe! And I love the quote on the Matt pic :happy: "I'm the sunshine of your life." :chuckle:

  13. :D if it is I will have to get onto my knees and beg for it! I'm skint :chuckle:,


    A mcr and muse reading dvd would be awesome!


    I'll watch it when I get onto the computer ;) on my iPod.

    Aah! Stupid Swelled IPOD SPELL CHECK IS GOING OFF NOW! Haha! :chuckle: you're so lucky! If I asked for one after the gig they'd shout and say no :LOL:


    I watched The Spongebob Movie (cause I'm cool like that :chuckle:), Hellboy and Hellboy 2!


    I want to know :happy: so yeah you can pm it :)


    I'll probably be at my nans cause my mums working a lot over the next few days :rolleyes: I start back in a week!


    Love you too!


  14. :D lots of Muse is good :yesey:

    I love Foo Fighters! Got their new album a couple of days ago from Walmart for $7 :) do you like them?

    :awesome: how much would a 64GB cost?

    :noey: stupid CD writer! Im not sure :noey: I'll have to borrow my brothers iPod to listen to them :yesey:



    Oh! I accidentally sent a blank message so I deleted it!

    I went to Islands Of Adventure today! Was fun! Went on the new Harry Potter ride! It was good, but not worth the 2 hour wait :noey: when we were in the line for it this bloke pushed in so my dad started an argument with him! My dads head nearly exploded because he was so mad! And my brother scraped his foot down the back of the blokes leg, (it left a great big red mark!) served him right! He shouldn't have pushed! :phu::LOL: what have you been up to?

    Love you!


  15. :D thanks

    I still need to get 2 English papers back, then I have all if my other exams,

    :awesome: sure! At the weekend I'll take a pic of my Musey picture that I did for art :D

    The Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack is a REALLY good album to listen to when you need to concentrate :yesey:


    He does usually act weird, but not as weird as today :chuckle::happy: yeah, I'd stand up for him, I'd probably faint afterwards though or have a heart attack:LOL:


    :):awesome:!!! Does anyone help you organise? Or is it just you? :D that sounds really awesome! :awesome:

    What genre is the band you booked? Are they like Muse? :D


    Love you!


  16. :D thanks :happy: CONVERSE!!! <3 :chuckle:

    I'm great! Thankyou! My friend Lea embarrassed me and Liam today :$ I was sat with Liam in History, Lea gets our teacher to come over then she said "Sir, do you think those two *points at us* should go out?" :stunned: he replied "awwwh, no comment :chuckle:"

    Then Liam did the sweetest thing, he started to sing one of my favourite songs to me :happy: it was Aerosmith 'I don't wanna miss a thing' :happy: have you heard it? I <3 the chorus "I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep, cause I'd miss you baby, And I don't wanna miss a thing. And ever when I dream of you, the sweetest dream will never do, cause I miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing." <3 <3 <3 He sings Starlight too :happy:


    How was your day? :happy:

  17. :D:happy:

    :supersad: awww are you gonna go to the next one? See if you can get Connor's mate to convince Connor to go to the next one! :happy: things like that happen to me, I can be very unlucky sometimes :chuckle:

    What have you been up to??


  18. :D:yesey:



    Ohh! England is usually like rain heaven, but it's actually been quite sunny lately :happy::( any other holidays planned for this year? :)

    I missed it! I was gonna watch it but we had tonnes of relatives come over to drop off my brothers presents and cards! They stayed for ages so I had to talk to them :indiff: it's my brothers 16th birthday today!


    :( tried that... Didn't work :(thanks, but we'vd been soooooo many times before though sometimes like 3 times a year! I think we've done just about everything in London :chuckle:




    I had a great day yesterday thanks! Spent the day with Liam, Lea and Hollie! Was very fun!


    We're going to TGI Fridays tonight with Fuzzy and Ryan for Jamie's birthday :) should be good! What have you been up to at home?


    Love you!


  19. :D! :stunned::eek::eek::eek: omg!!! I would have fainted if I met him! Corey Taylor is :awesome:

    :yesey: at Sonisphere yes :) it's my first festival :dance:

    Awwwh! You'll see them eventually :)

  20. :D. :chuckle: I was about 8 or 9 :facepalm:

    :chuckle: I will :chuckle:

    I only live about 10miles away from Sheffield so that's my closest option ;)

    Aww, what subject?

    :supersad: well, first when I got to p.e my muse hoody had shrunk in the wash (:'() I could hardly get my head through the head hole, then we found out instead of doing tennis in p.e we had to do 2 hours of p.e coursework :indiff: after p.e it was art. In art my teacher wouldn't let me carry on with my Muse project or let me start something else Musey :noey: at dinner there was a mini food fight so we got chocolate muffins thrown at us. Technology was okay. After tech it was tutor. We found out that for year 10 & 11 we are all probably changing tutors (:eek: I'll hardly ever see Liam and my friends!!! :'(). Then it was geography. We had to go to the front of the class and do presentations about natural hazards :indiff: the last lesson was science. Oh god that was the worst. In the whole 50 minute lesson all we got done was draw a bathtub, because I have the crappiest science class and crappiest science teacher ever!!!!!!

    Sorry about that big rant.

    Love ya


  21. :D

    :D:LOL: I am awesome :yesey:


    :awesome: okay ;)


    :) do you like it here? Other than the smoking? :noey: smoking is a filthy, disgusting habit, I can't stand people smoking :noey:

    :) yeah! Its been quite hot the past couple of days! :D yes I love england for the bands too!


    My first day back was actually pretty good! Got to see all of my friends, which was great! The highlight of that day was that Liam said I'm "a beautiful, kind, caring girl" :D


    What else have you been doing in Kent? How long are you here for? :D


    Here's a random question, what does your bedroom look like? :D


    Love you!


  22. :D

    :chuckle: I need a spiderman costume now! :chuckle:

    :awesome: ice cream! I love cookie dough :happy:

    :awesome: on Monday: that Ronan kid (I think he'll win) and yesterday: that piano playing woman (can't remember her name.. :chuckle:)

    Who do you think'll win? And who were you favourites?


    I actually had a great day yesterday! First I went to Hollies, then me, Hollie, Lea and Bryony met at a little kiddie park/kiddie play area. We had quite a bit if fun playing on on the tiny ride things! :D then we walked to asda and tesco express to get some water, then to Bryony's to take her dog for a walk, then back to Hollies so we could all play guitar hero! :D fun day :yesey:


    Any plans for today?


    Love you!

    xxx <3

  23. :D


    We can get detentions for forgetting pens :'( my school is still very stupid :indiff:



    It's 24days I think :happy: I actually am looking forward to it this year :) I don't know what I'm gonna do though :happy:

    :yesey: :'(


    Love you my lovely museboard hubby :awesome::kiss:



  24. :D

    :( I didn't want to finish for the holidays either, I won't get to see Liam 5 days a week :'( he's my boyfriend now!! :dance::dance::happy::eyebrows: are you seeing Connor over the holidays at all? Oh did anything happen with the guy who likes you?

  25. :D


    It was my mums birthday today so we went shopping and out for a meal :happy: I was sooooo close to getting Reading tickets!! My dad asked me and my brother which festival we'd rather go to, Reading or Sonishpere. My brother said Reading. I was so confused because he really wanted to see Metallica at Sonisphere :confused: I asked him why and he said "because I know how important this festival is to you..." :supersad: I turned the tickets down so he could see Metallica :'( he'd give them up to make me happy :happy: I love my brother :happy: have you thought of a plan to get tickets yet? :)

    Love youu!


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