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About JadeLovesMuse

  • Birthday 04/02/1997

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  • Biography
    I love Muse
  • Location
    At Panic Station
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  • Muse Releases Owned
    I have lots of Muse stuff

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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. That's a good thing! I don't wanna go back to school :noey::LOL: That would be fun, I could try jumping out of a window into it :awesome: Ahhh that sounds weird and scary... :eek:Purple blazers? :wtf: We have a black blazer, black jumper with one red stripe one green stripe, white shirt and grey trousers. It's horrible :( Yeah they are! We have to just sit in the classroom :/ I love them at home when it's like 9pm so you can't see at all :D

    I want to see anyone decent! I haven't been to a concert since like 2003 and that was Robbie Williams :facepalm: I'm sure you'll get to sometime (:

    My mum and brother hardly walk Molly, it's me and my dad :LOL:


    Yeahhh, being lazy is the life :LOL:

    Morgansville Vampires series, the latest Vamprie Diaries, The Earth Chronicles, Rule by Secrecy, Alien Agenda, the Lovely Bones, Night World series are the books ^.^ 30 Seconds to Mars, The Blackout! The Blackout! The Blackout!, Take to The Skies, Common Dreads, Showbiz, BH&R, HAARP, RIOT!, brand new eyes, In Silico, Immersion, OK Computer (Collectors Edition), Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, All Our Kings Are Dead :pfew that was a lot... Ahhh it's because we're so fun :rolleyes: Awesome! (Lemme think what song's you'll learn....:chuckle:) What books and DVD's did you get? :D:awesome:


    How are you? (:

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