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About starlike_starlight

  • Birthday 12/13/1987

Personal Information

  • Location
    Slovenia (here and there, I`m everywhere)
  • Interests
    I love music, especially MUSE of course.;) I like to read, watch movies, going in to the cinema or theatre, spending time with my friends(long sensless chats :D), walking with my dog, playing with my cute kittens, cooking etc...
  • Occupation
    Student of History
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    MUSE (I bet you didn`t know that :) jk), The Killers, 30 STM, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters...
  • Favourite Films
    I like sci-fi movies, comedys, romances, action movies, fantasys... but I really don`t like horror movies.
  • Favourite TV Shows
    NCIS, Mentalist, Desperate Housewives, Rizzoli&Isles, Spooks, The Tudors...
  • Favourite Books
    Hmmm, I like long books.My favourite teenage books were Harry Potter books.;)) I like criminals the most (Agatha Christie, Donna Leone...) but I can read almost everything( Jane Austen` s Pride and Prejudice, 1984 of course :) and other conspiracy themed books and yes I read Twilight too (don`t hate me for it :$) and some Slovenian autors....
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Milano, San siro, 8.6.2010
  • Twitter

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  1. Jaz tudi, ampak prvič moram še maturo uspečno narediti. :chuckle:

    Slovenska glasba me ne privlači preveč, edino Siddharto maram, ampak nisem še bila na nobenem od njihovih koncertov. Jaz imam dokaj čuden glasbeni okus, po pravici povedano. :chuckle: Poleg Muse poslušam še Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, The Beatles, White Lies in Billy Talent. Ko še nisem poznala Muse, sem tudi jaz poslušala Green Day, ampak sem se jih že malce naveličala. Biffy Clyro so tudi dobri, še posebej mi je všeč pesem The Captain. :D A si bila na koncertu Killersov v Ljubljani pred nekaj leti?

    Jaz tudi upam, da ne bo to zadnjič, ko bodo igrali pesmi iz drugega albuma, še posebej zato, ker so skladbe, katere bi zelo rada slišala v živo (npr. Micro Cuts in Space Dementia :supersad:) Upam, da jih bova naslednje leto (ker mislim, da letos ne bodo prišli v bližino SLO) lahko spet videli! Ko se človek privadi na koncerte, se je zelo težko odvaditi. :LOL: Pa tudi drugače, Muse so preveč dobri, da bi opustila obisk njihovih koncertov. :happy:

    Prijeten ponedeljek ti želim! :kiss:

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