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knightofcydonia last won the day on October 11 2022

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About knightofcydonia

  • Birthday September 7

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  • Location
    Vancouver, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, graphic novels/comic books, gaming
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, Toe, Brand New, My Chemical Romance, Modest Mouse, Bring Me the Horizon
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Supernatural, Star Trek, Psych
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origin Of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Holes And Revelations, The Resistance, 2nd Law, Drones, Simulation Theory, Origin of Muse, HAARP, Hullabaloo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Reading 2011
    Vancouver 2013
    Vancouver 2015

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  1. Ah sorry it took me so long to reply but just been getting really bogged down with my art exam, I had the first four hours today and, well, it didn't go quite to plan! Yeah I have seen the film and it is awful! It would be great if that actully did a good one, though its pretty hard to put 12 books worth of stuff into one film!

    Yeah I love Hayao Miyzaki, all his films are so adorable. I havent seen all of them yet but I intent to. I went to see ponyo at the cinema but they wouldn't let me in. They said I was to old! Yep I love all of them. I saw Arctic Monkeys and Panic! pretty recently, never seen the Strokes though but I'd so love to. What about you been to any good gigs lately?

    I was just looking at the Tv shows that you like and saw that there is an American Being Human? I love the english one (Im english btw) and I was wondering weather it was any good? Might be interesting to see Americans havin a go :pxx

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