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knightofcydonia last won the day on October 11 2022

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About knightofcydonia

  • Birthday September 7

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  • Location
    Vancouver, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, graphic novels/comic books, gaming
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, Toe, Brand New, My Chemical Romance, Modest Mouse, Bring Me the Horizon
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Supernatural, Star Trek, Psych
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origin Of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Holes And Revelations, The Resistance, 2nd Law, Drones, Simulation Theory, Origin of Muse, HAARP, Hullabaloo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Reading 2011
    Vancouver 2013
    Vancouver 2015

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  1. Movie looks like it's going to be fantastic.Looking forward to seeing Tony Stark bickering with everyone else on the team.:chuckle:


    Wonder if they're going to show random tease while recording like they did with The Resistance,like the drumming in the field video.


    I like the third one and I'm looking forward to the fourth one,looks good.


    Bring on the quotes.:phu:

    Ah I see.:chuckle:


    I guess they really believed in that the world was going to end.:noey:


    What issue of The Walking Dead are you on?

    Sounds promising,I'll check it out.The song is probably on youtube by now.:chuckle:


    I've played it on a friend's computer,it's pretty damn scary.You have no weapons to defend yourself and the monsters move very fast once they see you.:chuckle:


    Uproar Festival yesterday was awesome,loved it.However Avenged Sevenfold didn't play M. Shadows was sick so that disappointing.Still loved seeing the other bands live though.Three Days Grace was better than I expected.TDG even covered a Limp Bizkit song and I have to admit that it was pretty fun to jump to.Sevendust also stood out on the smaller stage.I was in the center of the pit for Sevendust and they were great.I'm so sore today,been moving like an old man all day long.:chuckle:

    There was also a religious person with a megaphone near the entrance protesting the concert and saying that we were all going to hell.:facepalm:


    Saw another funny picture Random picture thread,thought it was hilarious.:LOL:




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