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knightofcydonia last won the day on October 11 2022

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About knightofcydonia

  • Birthday September 7

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    Vancouver, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, graphic novels/comic books, gaming
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, Toe, Brand New, My Chemical Romance, Modest Mouse, Bring Me the Horizon
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Supernatural, Star Trek, Psych
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origin Of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Holes And Revelations, The Resistance, 2nd Law, Drones, Simulation Theory, Origin of Muse, HAARP, Hullabaloo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Reading 2011
    Vancouver 2013
    Vancouver 2015

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  1. It's mainly arguing in the comments section though.:chuckle:They should learn to get along.Hoping he is there when I visit Comic Con.Also want to meet Guillermo Del Toro.:happy: You need patience.:p Nice idea,I should've recorded it.



    So maybe a younger version of her in a sequel?

    Damn that sucks that it's not playing there.:noey: I'll look that episode up.I'm guessing it's insulting because they pride themselves with their foreheads being rough?



    Wow so it was Ray who turned him?Interesting.I'll need to see those episodes,they sound good.It'll probably get me back into watching that show.However it's probably in the middle of the second season by now.:chuckle:



    I'm attending a zombie walk next Saturday.:awesome:

    Still haven't bought the zombie makeup but I'm so excited.

    Found out about it at college because of a poster.

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