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knightofcydonia last won the day on October 11 2022

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About knightofcydonia

  • Birthday September 7

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    Vancouver, Canada
  • Interests
    Music, graphic novels/comic books, gaming
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, Toe, Brand New, My Chemical Romance, Modest Mouse, Bring Me the Horizon
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Supernatural, Star Trek, Psych
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origin Of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Holes And Revelations, The Resistance, 2nd Law, Drones, Simulation Theory, Origin of Muse, HAARP, Hullabaloo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Reading 2011
    Vancouver 2013
    Vancouver 2015

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  1. Haha it's pure randomness.


    So technically I win? :shifty:


    I haven't seen it in a long while.Probably seen it too many times too.I like a couple of singles of Disturbed,even though not that many people like them.:chuckle:

    Yeah he got to die and to rest in peace,and not keep walking mindlessly.Who knows,maybe they do have lives.:shifty: There wasn't that many places left for them to go besides the island.Unless they would have gone to a supermarket and reinforced it.The theme park for The Thing at Universal Studios looks fun though,saw a bit of it on youtube.Tempted to go there but I'm far away.:LOL:

    Here's a clip of the Shining spoof.:LOL::LOL:



    You should put Vulcan ears on the pumpkin.:p

    Any idea which SW character you're going to do?

    In one episode,the Trickster causes Dean to die multiple times in different ways.:chuckle:

    Well if I had to give one criticism to the film,I would have to say the son storyline.The storyline with Kirk's son didn't add much to the film in my opinion and I could have done without it.Probably didn't do much for me since I haven't seen the history between the woman and Kirk.Yeah I didn't know that Spock died,sucks that he died.It was a touching scene.How young were when you saw that film? I didn't notice that they never meet face to face.

    I actually don't do that.:chuckle: Yeah I saw the trailer and he looks exactly like him.Zachary was a great choice.:yesey:

    The other day I was looking up Star Trek and I came upon this video.:chuckle:



    After seeing that spoof,I spent the next 20 minutes watching the rest of the spoofs.:$

    They're pretty funny.

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