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knightofcydonia last won the day on October 11 2022

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About knightofcydonia

  • Birthday September 7

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    Vancouver, Canada
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    Music, graphic novels/comic books, gaming
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  • Favourite Bands
    Muse, Toe, Brand New, My Chemical Romance, Modest Mouse, Bring Me the Horizon
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Supernatural, Star Trek, Psych
  • Muse Releases Owned
    Showbiz, Origin Of Symmetry, Absolution, Black Holes And Revelations, The Resistance, 2nd Law, Drones, Simulation Theory, Origin of Muse, HAARP, Hullabaloo
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Reading 2011
    Vancouver 2013
    Vancouver 2015

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  1. Yeah it's pretty annoying that there's no proshots of the majority of OOS.Then again I wouldn't have minded only three proshots if they would have been Hyper Music,Screenager and Darkshines.Loving Darkshines visuals too,props to The Kirk.Screenager sounded awesome on videos I've seen.:happy: Also liking the Wolstenbeast during the chorus of Hyper Music. Oh wow that's terrible,sucks big time.:noey: At least you got to see OOS though. That's a shame though,sucks you had to leave early.


    Aye computer issues are annoying.:noey: Nice to meet you again Michelle.:chuckle: Oh wow,it is almost a year,time goes by fast.:chuckle:


    It is annoying when they don't warn that it's an AMV.

    Here's a song from TCV,you'll like it.




    Also recently learned that Keanu Reeves was suppose to originally play Dr. Manhattan.Nothing against Keanu but I don't think he would have been good as Dr. Manhattan.The movie would have been very different.

    I've already finished the zombie book I've bought,a lot of great zombie tales in them.I haven't gotten around to looking around for Zombie Survival Guide yet.:$ Too busy with college and job.

    Yeah I've heard of that movie,actually made a thread for it last year.:shifty: Sounds like a promising film,looking forward to it. Funny how it's becoming cheaper to film outside of the US than inside the US.


    Actually before the film started,they said that they had done the previous two years also.So I've missed A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back in theaters.:sadeyes: Also they say that it originally started as a suggestion back then and said that they're open to suggestions.I'm thinking about calling them to do a Halloween type of thing and maybe show the original Dawn Of The Dead.

    Probably a Darth Vader suit,predictable answer.:chuckle: There was actually someone dressed as Count Dooku and someone else wearing a Jabba The Hut costume.


    No problemo.Wow that does sound interesting and nice to people are more likeable over there.Aww that's a shame.:chuckle: UFOs huh? :shifty: I would have gone to investigate.I would probably be abducted,wake up in a field and have no one believe me.:chuckle:


    It's been good,started college and started a new job.New job is basically holding a sign outside and I'm already sunburned.:chuckle: It's a job nevertheless though. Classes are pretty hectic too.

    My message is pretty long too.:chuckle:

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