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Status Updates posted by .BleedTheSame.

  1. dude we SHPOULDNT have earthquakes that was a FREAk thing that happened and now a hurricane man

  2. omg wah it was so scary i thought afterwards there was going to be a tsunami then i was going to die i thought i was going to die


    and yeah we could really feel it, like the sand was moving back and forth like idk wahshdj



    which julian felt btw l00l

  4. lol well its PRETTY herea and all its just id rather live in a city. im not a suburbs fan lol


    omg NY IS amazing gges wow its so fantastic i loOve it there so much i would go every day of my life if i could.

    yes LONDON and edinburgh wow those are my england destinations lol

  5. well no.

    well sort of.

    i wouldnt care if i left where i ACTUALLY actually lived like in bucks county


    its just i really like the cities around me lol

    but i do REALLY wanna go to london

  6. but then ill be away from philly and new york and uuhhh


    woahh thats so weird i just showed resistance to moving to englsnd hannah what is wrong with you

  7. ugh lets burn them all righ rightr now jaimee move to america okay i mean its the ~~best contry in da world~~ lollzz


    Omg same we need a scheduled like date and time to be on all at the same time lol omg stupic school

  9. dfoi fuahh aha it was so good man

    man i miss you and i miss us all reading fanfics together we should go back in time till then D:

  10. Yess I am


    omg jaimee i had the best ever dream last night, like, i saw the strokes, then i randomly saw jules walking around and i ran up to him and was like talking to him then we were randomly with the rest of the band and then i held nick's hand because i thought of leyla's dream right then. then we were in like barnes and noble or something then i couldn't find any of the band members and i was freaking out when finally i saw jules and he was acoustically playing fear of sleep or something like that then i sat there and waited for him to finish then after he did he got everyone together and we all went to Cancun.

    and this whole time i got like a million pictures with them AND kissed nick and jules on the cheek like a million times wah it was amazing ;____;

  11. I know same with me my parents are like what do you need to do on there and im like jaimee

  12. omg jaimee i went days and days and forever without the internet how did i live omg

  13. jaimee ahjashdjsd missed you miss miss



    omg jaimee ajskld i miss you so much stupid not-having-the-internet ;___;

  15. hghjh its not good enough I mean I mean San Fransisco is BEAUTIFUL and amazing I love it so much, but we're going camping soon and I really don't want to and I djkfdf i dont know sad sad unhappy


    I miss my kitty ;_;

  16. haha omg yeah


    omg jaimee i havent been on the internet like all week i miss you i miss home i miss my friends im sad i wanna go home

  17. RIGHT?! Its the worst thing ever I tried before but *shiver* Its GROSS

  18. Good good


    Well well good because you'll NEED THEM really you will.


    OMG THAT JUST happened to me ;_; stupid stupid dumb i hate my childhood


    i wish i could use tampons ;_; but they repulse me idk idk just the thought


  19. lol Oh Jaimeeeeee even if you didn't know what to say I'd never stop the flow of words. :chuckle:


    LA isn't any hotter lol.

    Just wear lots and lots of scarves and hats and coats and etc etc and you'll be finee.


    Ugh. I hate being a female i hate it it sucks thats it thats all

  20. Still, its better than nothing :phu: I know if I met you we'd never be able to stop talking :chuckle:


    Well, imagine being in your summer weather, then being chucked into your winter weather 6 hours later. Very unpleasant, very shaking. But I think I've gotten used to it...a little. LA should be hotter tho and I;m going there tonight :awesome:


    I've got cramps too bby. AND I can't swim ;____;



    San Diego is so nice omg its beautiful and the beach is gorgeous and sdlkhaijadfhd its so cold tho its like 75 F all the time brr brr

  22. PLEASE DO omg I wanna meet you bby. Asap


    Well, its gonna be cooler in San Diego than it is here so it'll be like going to the beach back at home...but different cos its in CaLIi woo0

  23. omg MAYBE AGHGHG I WANT TO SO BAD. Jaimee omg pls come but you wont have graduated yet by the time we ***might go*** but you should come anyway


    Yeah yeah but no its worse its like a desert. It IS a desert you know its just dry heat and it dries you out then it burns you up its terrrrible. But I'm going to CA/the beach tomorrow so yay!

  24. ASGHJKDSK YEAH yeah! And possibly maybe Kira aka str0kes. I wish you lived in the states so I could meet you too ;_;

    I hope you get snow too!


    agshjdhgj Arizona is so hot. so so hot its like 100+ F augh

  25. Awww AWW :kiss: Same here. Ahahaha I know right, but at least I get to meet Jiselle when I'm in LA :awesome: Oh yeahhh I thought you were going to Germany on your winter holidays...? in During Christmas? You def will get snow, its colder there than it is here and we sometimes get snow so yah yah you probably will have it.

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