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Status Updates posted by KSee

  1. ah dont wory about it! :D its cool :). How have you been anyway? long time no speak! :(

  2. Thanks :D :L. ahh awesome stuff! [: its alrite, they are realy good! you wud be surprised.. i actualy realy cant draw at all! :L yeh the hangover is an amazing film, i defo recommend you watch it! :)

  3. heyy! yeh i know, gota love a bit of gears! yeh its defo crazy! haha. yehh hes real nice. iv been great thanks, got a job at mc donalds recently.. i start next wednesday :D how about you? :]

  4. heyy. oh ryly.. how silly! ahh thanks, your to kind :p you are much better than me though :D

  5. lol, stoped playing because of the Halo Reach beta (that has now ended :() lol. indeed it will be interesting.. oh ryly :p well im mean with everything else xD lol. it certainly will. thanks :p

  6. nice, im a 44 atm.. just started playing it again :) haha, il give u a 1v1 sometime xD thanks, i recently changed it from a bit of uprising to that.

  7. yay! :happy: okay, mine is, ii shockwave. what level are you on gears?

  8. i know! lol. haha fair enough lol. ah i play both of them aswell, whats ur tag? il add you. i certainly do not! lol.. i like you to.. :p we must have an uprising against this silly movie! :D

  9. ah i see cool. I got some bad news, apparently heroes has been canceled.. :'( umm my fav game is probs halo but i also play gears2 (i see u like that aswell :D) and COD.. lots of others aswell on and of, you play anything other than gears? lol

  10. helooo. yeh it is, now thats a hard question :erm:.. i think the first 1 or 2 series was better than the newer ones tho. what about you? yeh i know, so unloved :(

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