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Posts posted by bee03

  1. You are so right. For my BDO show (one of the two oppurtunities I have had to see them this year) the following brilliant setlist was pulled out of the bag.



    2.Supermassive Black Hole

    3.New Born

    4.Undisclosed Desires


    (Interlude intro)


    7.United States Of Eurasia

    8.Helsinki Jam



    11.Time Is Running Out

    12.Unnatural Selection


    13.Back In Black

    14.Plug In Baby

    15.Knights of Cydonia


    Crazy Stuff.


    Holy rarity-filled setlist, Batman!

  2. I don't think the amount Muse are charging Australia has as much to do with them playing or not playing epic setlists but more to do with making up for the cost of getting the production all the way over there and across the country for what amounts to literally a handful of shows.


    For what it's worth, Muse is charging less than Tool for their Australian shows. I guess that should count for something?


    Yes i hope everyone understands this, Muse arnt charing more because they think their rarer songs cost more or just for the sake of it. It IS because they are bringing the full production over and that costs a hell of alot.




    Us Australians are getting totally ripped off.


    We paid MORE than the rest of Europe/US so that we can get the same lower standard of shows and the same dull and predictible song lists with the same over-the-top unoriginal riffage just like our counterparts have been getting.


    Due to the possibility of this being unlikely for the Australian tour, I would like to defend by allowing you to not only keep your shows as they are, but better them so you can ensure that your more local fans in Europe and the US are given the best Muse shows for the year, a title which I am sure they cannot afford to lose.


    For the good of Australia and the equality in treatment for Australian fans especially. I propose that we get these same shows, if not of a different quality, so that Australian fans can emerge from out of the shadows and feel happy to once again be treated as Muse fans and be embraced amongst the community.




    My suggestions to improve these shows include:


    - A set list consisting of NSC, Guiding Light, Starlight and Harmonica only, repeated 7 times to ensure that we are recieving a quality setlist that is long enough to meet our strict criteria.


    - The same Nirvana/RATM riffs after every song, even if it doesn't fit because they are epic, and who writes their own riffs anyway?


    - Increasing the height of the towers by another 50ft making it impossible for floor patrons to view the experience without having to look at the screens, which reminds me to add...


    - Bigger screens placed infront of the stage. It may be a little hard to view the band with the screens obscuring, but who looks at them anyway? The animators for the songs have to be payed too.


    - Biffy Clyro must play a longer set than Muse. Always. It takes time to warm up a crowd and I believe this will benefit us all.


    - Morgan must play the entirity of Matt's parts in New Born (if chosen to be played as a rarity). This is quality control at its finest and will be backed up with an even slower click track to ensure accuracy.


    - More lights. I have with me some schematics to turn the Acer Arena into a solarium-styled light show. Sunglasses will be free to all floor patrons.


    - All of Matt's guitars must be broken prior to playing, backstage where they can't be seen. It will worsen his tone to improve Starlight.


    - Chris must take more time off for his babies


    - Dom shall remain being Dom. He didn't do anything wrong to anyone.


    - Prior to entering the gig, all patrons must select what their favourite songs are, so the band can laugh at our opinions and tell us they are right.


    - Feeling Good? Haha.


    These are just a few suggestions to improve the welfare of Australian fans on this board.


    :LOL: I love you.


    In addition to all this, ultimately we should just sit in front of the screens listening to the studio albums (only the last 3 of course).

  3. My brother (who doesn't like Muse very much) compares them to Queen every 5 seconds :LOL: Maybe if you've only heard a few of their songs you might think that? :unsure:(Mind you, I love Queen, so I don't see it as an insult at all. I just think that they aren't as much like Queen as some people think).


    My Dad compares Muse to Queen day in, day out. :LOL: But he loves Queen to death, and is just starting to warm up to Muse.


    Stockholm Syndrome isn't that good live :erm:


    :pope: !




    ...But I couldn't disagree more. Different strokes for different folks :p

  4. I registered for the mailing list a few days ago and didnt recieve a confirmation email. I tried again yesterday and still no email


    Yes I'm the same, I've signed up for the mailing list and haven't received my confirmation email, nothing in the spam folder either.


    I'm not sure, I can't remember what happened with mine, BUT I think the mailing list doesn't have a confirmation?


    But I know the Muse.mu account has a confirmation email. /can'tremembertoowell. :LOL:

  5. Yes, that view is literally on the barrier. It's still the way to go though. Being close is amazing!


    I will look for a link, but it's from KoC in Atlanta.



    Found it!

    Things get campy around the 1:00 mark. :chuckle:


    I don't know how to insert the youtube vid. Can someone instruct me?


    I actually prefer being on the side barriers than the middle on... the only thing that you need to watch out for is the massive spotlight by the edge of the stage as they can block your view but to give you an idea:


    Matt's side of the barrier:


    Centre barrier:


    Chris' side of the barrier:


    I hope this gives you better idea of where to stand...


    This is all such great (crucial) info :LOL: I'll deconstruct each vid when I get home from Uni. Thanks for all the input everyone! It's really much appreciated :D

  6. Thank you! And the visuals are stunning!


    Definitely, if you want to be as close to the band as possible and right in the action! Try to be as close to the middle as possible for the best view (like the Houston photo).


    And your photos at SXSW are :eek: as well! :LOL: You got a plectrum!


    Brilliant! As soon as those doors open i'm bolting for front and middle (maybe favoured a little to Matt's side :LOL:)

  7. I can't speak for jurrassitol, but I have a similar shot from Houston:







    Compare with a similar shot from Phoenix:







    At both shows, I was right on the barrier, right in front of Matt's tower, though I was more at an angle in Phoenix, as you can see from the second pic.


    All three pics I posted were during Exogenesis. Look through all my pictures here because it'll give you a well-rounded idea of how my view was like, which was awesome, save for that one picture of Matt. :LOL:


    This is probably my favorite pic of Matt, which I took in Houston:






    Those really help! Thanks so much! And your photos are :eek: gorgeous! The visuals look amazing!


    I needed that guideline to what I could see and couldn't see RIGHT on the barrier, but from this, stuck up against the barrier is the way to go :D

  8. :yesey: My view from the barrier as well.


    Was this view from right at the absolute front of the barrier? I'm worried my shortness will take away from the cool of being at the very front :LOL: At least when those damn towers are being used..


    and ps; Is there a video floating around on youtube of the gif in your sig? :awesome: I keep staring at it :LOL:

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