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Jungle Fish

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About Jungle Fish

  • Birthday 05/29/1995

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Is called Jaeyeon, J, Jade, Pwoper Asian, or Shima.
    Doesn't like girly girls, jerks, strict Asian parents, Twihards, unpunctual alien attacks and bitchy little kids.
    Likes chocolate, Glitterati, making people confused, teh lulz, inside jokes, pervs, vuvuzela and Ninetales.
    Can speak Korean, English, and some pathetic Japanese.
    Is a heartless Tennant fangirl.
  • Location
    Seoul, South Kowea
  • Interests
    Photography, music. Oh, and Muse.
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  • Deviant Art
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  • Favourite Bands
    Franz Ferdinand, Radiohead, The Killers, Rage Against the Machine, Klaxons, Phoenix, U2, JET, Deftones, Pink Floyd, Slipknot, and a lot moar
  • Favourite Films
    Harry Potter, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, District 9, Die Hard, Inception, This Is Spinal Tap, Star Wars, and lots of other SciFi/Fantasy movies
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Doctor Who, The Office(US), Community, The Big Bang Theory
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Escapee (1/14)



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  1. No its just an all-around place where gays like to come. There's so many rainbow flags that say "friendly" Its not even funny, except it is...:chuckle: And we were walking past these two gay gingers, and they said, "Yeah and she was at that gay party last night" while we were walking by...:LOL:


    The best part was, I was wearing this Muse sweatshirt I made, and this girl was in a car with her friends in really slow traffic, and she yelled out to me, "YOU LISTEN TO MUSE?!" "YEAH!!!" "I F**KING LOVE THEM!!!111!!!1!!one" "THEY ARE MY FAVORITE EVER!!!" we were both like :awesome: the whole time. Then, when we kept walking i heard her yelling at her friends in the car, but the only thing I heard was "MUSE!"

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