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Status Updates posted by lezah

  1. Thank you! Yours wasn't too long ago either, happy belated birthday! :)

  2. This is how Telephone should have been: http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4arqolHv11qbg70no1_400.png. Hahahaha. I nearly died laughing.


    I once tried to go on Maple GMS but it didn't work haha. And I just tried Maple but apparently my version is too old for the patch update... so I'd have to redownload and I can't be bothered right now. :) But if I ever redownload that thing... I might go poke some slimes. I love slimes. I actually played it while I was back in Singapore with some friends, and I was on a mission to have my highest level character ever (before that I had this level 34 cleric with stats added all wrong haha) and I think I got up to 36 or 37, maybe even 38 until I got so bored. I'm not even sure how I lasted until then. I am terrible at video games haha.

  3. Haha, I don't know about that. Maybe it's because Maple SEA is really just Malaysia and Singapore so there wouldn't be too many people? I don't know. I've only seen a GM once my whole life anyway and that was because a new world opened then. It's hilarious. Everytime a new world is opened everyone rushes to be the highest level character EVAR and then get bored halfway haha.


    As for my venue, not sure, but I know roughly where the room is because I pass by that club everyday when I go home from school... and it says THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT on a sign on the gate.. very depressing haha. I might pass as 18+ but I don't know how to get a fake ID and I wouldn't want to try anyway :) I might just go to the reception and be like "HI I'M TOO YOUNG TO SEE THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT AND CALLING ALL CARS BUT CAN YOU TELL ME A PLACE THAT I CAN STAND AT TO LISTEN TO THEM PLAY?" and they're probably going to think I'm a freak... but DEAL WITH IT! :awesome:

  4. I'm not sure. I just know that I'm going to do that because I can't get in anyway and that's the best chance I've got to hear them haha. I was talking to Calling All Cars on Facebook last night :awesome: and whoever I was talking to (I didn't ask lol) suggested a fake ID hahaha.


    I haven't played Maple in a long time. Just realised that it's still installed in this computer... hmm.... If I get bored maybe? But I don't know if it will work because I'm not in Singapore. Might try sometime.

  5. HAHA, that is awesome. I laughed so hard :awesome: and I found your character hidden in there, heh heh. :ninja: Dommy's yellow pants :) <3 (I nearly typed out 'yellowcard' instead lol). And I like how it's in a pharmacy, haha. Nice :awesome:


    Yes. I shall stalk them until they put a restraining order on me (not really). If anyone happens to go past the venue to see some girl jumping around/singing along to the music inside... probably me. ;)

  6. Yeah, and Maffoo can be super spiffed with a-cash and he gets some custom Manson made for him as a weapon, then Chwis can have some super epic moustache and totally laugh at Matt and Dom when they both die.


    Kisschasy played (in no particular order): Perfect Way to Meet, Spray On Pants, Strings and Drums, Turnaround, Generation Why, Face Without A Name, Dinosaur, My Bible Is A Scrapbook, Tarantula, Opinions Won't Keep You Warm At Night, Do-Do's and Whoa-oh's. Yep. Haha if I bumped into Calling All Cars the dude would probably be like "hey you're that girl who was clapping with her fingers" and I'd be like "YEAH!" and we'd be like "HAHA!" lol. Calling All Cars are coming to Tamworth (I KNOW RIGHT lakjdflkja) with The Butterfly Effect in exactly a month's time (oh wow just realised) BUT it's an 18+ show. I'm crushed. Anyways I think I'll go stand outside the venue and press my ear against the door. :awesome:

  7. It's just a Muser managing that Tumblr. I forgot his/her username, but it's easier if you don't want requoted lolz :)


    And yeah, I might have alarmed some of the guys haha. It was funny though! Obviously I'm also awesome for helping out the dudes who fell. -smug face-. As for heart fluttering, hmm not so much. It was more of an "awyeah" instead of "SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!" like last time haha. :awesome: There might have been bigger Kisschasy fans there for all I know but there were definitely quite a lot of people in the crowd who only knew the singles. Because after Dinosaur was played Daz said something like "this song is very different to the song we just played" and I'd noticed him retuning his guitar to Drop Db (Dinosaur is played on half-step down) so I yelled out "BIBLE!" and he looked at me and grinned hahaha. It was My Bible Is A Scrapbook indeed :awesome: Sad thing was that I wish I could hear more people singing along to the non-single songs. Someone next to me said, "What did he say?" when they kicked into Tarantula and by then I was singing the next line so I looked at her and sang "I'VE GOT BOTH PERFECTED" and she was a bit stunned haha. Oops :) There was also this chain of dudes who decided it'd be funny to form a great long line and push through, knocking us (mostly girls towards the front haha) out of the way. -.- How annoying. They weren't even singing along. But screw them, I still had fun anyway. I also just found out that apparently Calling All Cars were in the crowd during Kisschasy too! Didn't see them, they must have been behind or something. I kind of wished I'd bumped into them so I could tell them that their set was awesome lol.


    I just had the funniest mental image. Maple Dom attacked by Crimson Balrogs and floating on the ship with an angry face.

  8. I have too many pages to catch up on that thread. So sometimes i just look at muselulz.tumblr.com since it has less quoting previous lolz, though it may miss out on certain lolz but if I have eons of time I spend hours at that thread haha. Draw... Dom killing slime or something. Haha.


    Went for Come Together festival on Sunday, it was so so so fun! A whole day of Aussie bands and I stood for 8hours + straight, broke my standing record (previously approx 7 hours at the Kisschasy show) haha. I jumped into the mosh pit during Calling All Cars' set (there were like 10 tall guys in it) and I became known by said guys as "that crazy girl in the Kisschasy shirt" hahaha, so hilarious. Kisschasy were really fun too, despite it being a festival set (again). I wasn't on barrier but Daz definitely saw me and smiled at me a lot throughout the set haha. Everytime I started the claps in certain songs he'd look at me :awesome: shows how much I pay attention at their shows lol. Then I started singing in the bridge of Strings and Drums (where they do an instrumental bit before Daz starts singing) and got some in the crowd to join in as well. I feel insanely awesome hahaha. :awesome: I love gigs so much although it was a bit lonely on my own but TOTALLY WORTH IT :awesome:

  9. I love the lolz thread, it's too funny. No, didn't send it to them. I don't think they have an address to send to? I guess we could stalk Matteh's mummy but that'd be creepy ;) And yes, Dom was inspired by that Maple character haha. It's sooo Dom.


    And if you become some super famous artist you shall list that Maffoo drawing as inspiration. :awesome:

  10. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3lebibwwY1qzz3nfo1_400.jpg ;)


    Well, I blame my mother for being slow. Hahaha. The site put her on hold but it never got through, lame. I blame the scalpers. Haha.


    I also drew this epically retarded picture in celebration of Maffoo's birthday. http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l3qu4il1Wr1qzsbn7o1_400.jpg :awesome:

  11. Yep. Oh well. Even if I don't manage to get tickets to day 1 (pfft yeah right haha ~*wishful thinking lol*~) I'm still seeing them on Day 2!

    We're gonna see myoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooze! :awesome: Haha.


    Someone made this photo of 3 cows with their haircuts and put the caption MOOS. I don't know if you've seen it... it's hilarious.

  12. I used to. Once I almost won Simple Plan tickets (hahaha) when I was living in Tucson. You had to be caller number 9. but I was caller number 8. Damn it! I swore so loudly into the phone, the DJ guy laughed at me. I was 9 or 10 then I think haha. But now I don't live in the city so I doubt the radio stations here will offer tickets. Maybe the music channels on TV might have some sort of competition but still it's not a confirmed chance of winning the tickets then when you've paid for it and received it (hoping that person is not a con). I don't listen to the radio here anyway, they play crap songs haha.


    But really the amount of tickets that have appeared on eBay at raised prices... It's so obvious that GA sold out quicker than it should thanks to the bloody scalpers.

  13. Waiting for decently priced GA tickets to pop up. I looked on eBay and some idiot is selling a ROW B SEATING TICKET for $599.95. I laughed so hard. :') oh my crys


    But yeah, hopefully I can make it to the first show as well. Yay Myooooooooooooze! :awesome:

  14. Death to the scalpers indeed. Are you online right now? The notification just appeared heh heh. I'm in school currently. :ninja: Unfortunately I missed out on GA to the first show, BUT second show was announced (how could they not haha) and I got GA to that :) If I can get my hands on GA for first show somehow I will definitely try to. :awesome:


    Now we're both going to see Muse this year! :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome:

  15. A lot of scalpers (fffffffffffuuuuuuuu) got tickets because they keep popping up on eBay. Idiots. Ah well. Tomorrow! So excited. I will prep my mother (because I'll be in school) and she shall get the ticket for me. We missed out on presale because I forgot to leave her my muse.mu username and password. :( How lame ha. But yes I will get my ticket! I have a feeling that there will be a second show announced and I'll probably try to go to that too. I just can't give up the chance of seeing them twice :awesome:

  16. I'm 5' 3" too! In Singapore I'm considered tall or average and in Australia I'm considered short, so it depends hahaha. I missed out on presale GA tickets but I will get them on Monday, I'm determined! If somehow I miss them again (which I won't! haha) I guess I'll just get seats. Much easier at a festival because not everyone's there to see THAT BAND whereas at a headliner show chances are 99.9999% of the people are there to see THAT BAND. The other .000000000....001% had money they felt like spending, got bored, wanted to see the support band or were dragged by friends/partners/relations. Haha.

  17. Yeah, I just need a good view. Getting a spot on barrier is just a bonus :awesome: I've been lucky. I've done the "making way slowly to front" thing before, but at festivals before the band I want to see go on. Usually people just let me through because I'm tiny anyway and won't cause any serious obstruction.

  18. Um... 2 hours before maybe? I went while Mars Volta were playing and slowly made my way to the front. It was at a festival though. I think the presale is through muse.mu. Aw, good luck with your classes. Hopefully you'll be able to get there at a decent time and get a good spot!

  19. Yeah, definitely. I love being in the crowd. :) I was on barrier last time. The advantages of being short and tiny :awesome:. I'm hoping to get pre-sale tickets this time, and I've found a Sydneysider I know who's interested in seeing Muse too, so hopefully we'll go together!

  20. Yeah, I was alone when I last saw Muse. This might become a tradition, hm. I've also noticed that I see Kisschasy by myself every time. But oh well, it'll still be fun! A bit lonely, but fun! :awesome: I just hope I get a good spot in the huge venue.

  21. Melbourne IS more travelling, haha. So I think I'm going to the Sydney one now. Main reason for wanting to go to Melbourne was because I know Melbourners who like Muse and are interested in going too. I don't know anyone in Sydney, but looks like I'll be in a giant arena by myself (surrounded by lots of people, oh the irony). Pre-sale starts Friday, general sale next Monday.

  22. :awesome: things are :awesome: indeed. :) Oz tour dates confirmed, was going to try to make it down to Melbourne but my father says he doesn't have leave. -insert extreme rage image here- His office is so stupid. They force them to take 2 weeks' leave during the Christmas period, which is the week after the Melbourne date and if he takes more than 13 days of leave, the weekends count as leave as well and he doesn't have enough. This is frustrating. I must make it down to Melbourne somehow. I miss Melbourne.
  23. Oh yeah, I hate when that happens. I have a folder where I keep all my tickets so now I know where to find any tickets I have.

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