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Posts posted by polandspring

  1. http://www.nme.com/news/muse/66278


    Good to know that 9/11 wasn't done by the Gov.


    Also so excited for "Discussing the band's plans for their forthcoming tour dates, meanwhile, he revealed: "We have a symbolic upside-down pyramid suspended over us as we play. It will screen videos and images that relate to the songs. At some point, the pyramid will turn inside out and consume Dom 's drum kit. Then Dom becomes a ninja who starts battling with corrupt businessmen… I'm serious. That's not a joke."


    This is awesome!

  2. Stockholm Syndrome on the radio yesterday morning! I was so proud that they knew anything other than Uprising or SMBH. Someone called it for a Paramore song and the DJ said "Why the hell would I play that, every time someone asks for that, I'll play another Muse song!" Made my day

  3. My brother who doesn't know Muse, but who plays piano, just started learning Chopin's Nocturne in B flat from USoE. I whistled it all along with him, and made a hint that I had heard it in a song. I plan to get him The Resistance for a present some time, because he should like it.

  4. I heard Sing for Absolution in the airport at a Sunglass Island outlet. I started walking over, just to listen, and my brother said "Is that the Muse band? I could tell by their teenage wailing". I didn't really say anything, then heard feeling good in Seven pounds at my hotel and didn't act like I heard anything so my brother couldn't tell. I had heard the song was in the movie, and called exactly when it would start, and I was only off by about a second.

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