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Status Updates posted by YoufuckingMotherfucker

  1. Coldplay rocks! But i dont know any ppl who listen to Bjõrk xD

  2. What other bands u like?

    Me like Foo Fighters , The Killers , Pearl Jam , the prodigy n some others :D

  3. Thats brings bad luck lol :p

    I see ur 16^^

  4. im 17teen turning 18 in few days

  5. i like stockholm syndrome too, resistance , guiding light, fury , knights of cydonia , bliss. but they change every few weeks :p

  6. haha , candyy > banane :p Whats your fav muse songs?

  7. yes, banane is always usefull :D

    tjena ett geleehatton

    was that right? :D :D

  8. filip :p thats how my sister say it when she was young .D

    Iam from good old germany^^

  9. yea many philips are 2p´s :D

    Where u from?

  10. nice name ;) My is philip , one l one p iam unique

  11. most random song of the band i like it , great humor :D

  12. happy one of course ^.^

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