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Posts posted by Kirby

  1. THIS.


    Plus, are we honestly supposed to believe that if Matt really wanted to, he couldn't find a way to find one/have one specially made? Not like he doesn't have the money or means :rolleyes:


    Oh well... Showbiz songs are now a thing of the past anyway :(


    Right. I mean how many times has he had the Glitterati replaced...? :rolleyes:


    But I mean I could understand them not liking most of the Showbiz songs because their personalities and music have evolved a lot. And they were a looooooot younger when they wrote those. It's probably one of those moments where you look back on something you did when you were younger and think "Why did I do that?"


    But that doesn't mean they can't play them..

  2. Back to the Muscle Museum thing... now I do think the whole pedal thing is a bunch of crap. When I played MM on my guitar, it sounded pretty normal even without a rare effects pedal.. I do think that one's a lie. Plus, why not switch up the sound? They're doing it for UD, why's it matter if MM sounds a bit different...?

  3. :yesey: In their eyes no one should question/complain what Muse do.

    But your post quoting Dell is the worst post from you.


    I don't think there's anything wrong with people questioning or complaining what they do. I do, however, think that if ALL someone does is bitch and complain and they have so many issues with every single the thing band does, maybe they should go find another band to follow because it doesn't look like Muse is changing anytime soon.

  4. It is sad to see them disappear (I presume we're talking about Showbiz songs?) but then they didn't like a lot of them bar a couple (Sunburn, Showbiz and Unintended...and MM and Cave to an extent I guess) so I doubt they'd wanna do a gig like this for them


    Half the reason I think they're doing these OoS gigs is probably just to shut up fans demanding OoS rarities once and for all by delivering them all on a plate (even the one Chris hates) for a final time before retiring them


    If we're not talking about that feel free to ignore me


    Probably :LOL:


    Not sure why this thread is full of complaining, though. I feel like if people aren't happy with the setlists, they should stop checking the setlists or even going to the gigs. I mean I personally would rather hear songs from Showbiz or OoS, but I'm gonna take what I can get. I feel privileged to have heard, among other things, CE, B&H, Map, RbS, etc. Sure, I'm upset that they're continually becoming rarer, but I really don't think we should have a massive whinefest. Not every band loves the music they've made, and tbh they probably don't know just how much we all want to hear the rarities. They're probably noticing that as they evolve, they continue to gain popularity, so they most likely figure they should just keep doing what they're doing.


    But idk, just my opinion, you can all attack me if you want. :erm:

  5. Haha, I like it too.


    This might be naive, but I find it kind of annoying how every time Muse win something people assume it's just because of crazy fans rigging the polls. I don't think it happens nearly as much as it used to (aside from silly NME awards/polls).


    Well, I always see tons of people on tumblr telling people to vote for Muse for this or that, and most things allow you to vote more than once, so it really IS all of us fans voting, BUT I think they deserve the awards they get. I mean, just because they're not overplayed on the radio like every other artist doesn't mean they're not good~

  6. They did the good ol' 2nd night gets it better setlists again ;) Thank god.


    Now lets watch this progress another page of bitching.


    It really isn't fair, though. Could've played two "rarities" the first night, two the second, instead of ripping off the people who went the first night.


    Plus, they assume that their old songs aren't popular enough for Americans. They play whatever and even if the songs are *new*, half of the gig-goers don't know them (someone thought New Born was Micro Cuts at the Columbus gig). What's the big deal if they play an old song that not many people know?


    The major reason that this is all bullshit is the fact that there was a time when Muse didn't care about popularity. They went crazy, had a good time, and played whatever they wanted. They didn't care if they pissed people off. They WERE in it for the music; now they seem more into the money.

  7. This whole thread is a joke. :stunned::LOL:


    He is also the man in charge of the set design and ideas (hello towers!), the man who lost his pedal (so they can't play MM) and the man who doesn't like the piano anymore because it cuts him seeing from the public (coming from someone who spend 95% of his time with his eyes closed when he is facing that same public) hence why we only get 2 piano songs now.


    What I really don't get is WHY he can't just buy another pedal...? He's obviously dripping with cash..

    AAAAAAND I think it's ridiculous that we BARELY get piano songs. The man can't even play the New Born intro himself anymore :facepalm: He used to seem to love playing the piano and I really respected that and looked up to his playing (since I am a fellow pianist). It almost seems as if piano isn't... mainstream enough for them these days.



    Of course, I'll still go to their gigs. They're too much fun :chuckle:


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