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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. do you hate twilight?

  2. lols



    soooo do you hate twilight? *btw i like your panda hat...i like pandas*

  3. i sing pretty damn high......:LOL:

  4. omg im soo positive ive heard shrinking universe somewhere! BUT WHERE!

  5. im good at vocals but i dont like ppl hear me singing so i dont sing...


    i find it soo hard to play lefty


    righty is easyyyyy

  6. me too!


    i have it for wii but i wanted it for my ps3....it is sooooooo much fun...i kick ass at bass :)

  7. thats lovely!


    whats your fave song?

  8. sorry only 2 years apart he hasent turned 14 yet :p

  9. ikr!


    i like recess :)

  10. meh close enough....

  11. sure we should :shifty:


    anyway why should i care bout matts love life i care botu the fact im in love :dance:

  12. yeah...he sounds determined to win gaia back....


    aww i thought he was gonna move on :(

  13. yeha thats the case right now


    i mena this guy was just sooo ugly when he was a little kid and now hes like a sex god or something :stunned: its just like , he was a midget the other day and now he's turned into this!


    i doubt his age like every day...

  14. hopefully...


    i think i fainted again.....i hate seening pictures of him...i stop breathing for 5 seconds :stunned:


    has it ever occured to you that youve seen a picture of someone when they were small and then they grow up and you like...pass out?

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