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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. thank you for introducing me to comedy! :LOL:


    when you die nothing happens :LOL:

  2. im crying of laughter omg! the ghost windex thing omg i was dying! :LOL: :LOL:

  3. demetri martin curses too :p and my mom loves him too :p

  4. ok.....


    btw wth is up with you avy :wtf:?

  5. lols i like demetri martin :p

  6. june :indiff:


    no not really in my family we really dont do anything for easter other than go to church we dont see it as such a HUGE event even if we are religious

  7. it actually reminds me of matt actually :)

  8. ryan! :LOL:

    thats honestly the funniest thing i ever heard!

  9. lol harlleys post :chuckle:


    eat-her egg hunting :chuckle: almost funny as http://www.google.com/webhp?hl=xx-elmer


    read well ;)

  10. no no no how bout you tell me? :p

  11. Lchuckle: you should watch it the guy has an amazing voice :happy:


    wanna see a clip?

  12. so in other words you only got 3 days off?

  13. yeah me either :p


    my little brother just spent like hakf an hour screaming arro man


    brother: arro man!

    me: what? arro man?

    brother: no iron man!

    me: the speak right! :LOL:

  14. :LOL: im sure your not....hey at least we do more than adults :LOL:
  15. its more than good its sexy suspensful heartbreaking and its half movie half musical :D


    have you heard about it?

  16. hmm not even paly call of duty ;):LOL:


    i do a lot of exercise i like activity but at times i can be a lazy bum :p

  17. cool :LOL:


    im watching moulin rouge :D

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