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Status Updates posted by YouSetMySoulAlight

  1. Yeah, it was amazing :D I was talking to the guitarist for ages about guitars and stuff, he only plays telecasters and thats what I play so we were discussing our love for them :chuckle: I'm going to see them twice in May too :awesome:


    That's awesome :dance: You're so lucky, it's got a great line up. Did you get a weekend ticket or a day one?


    I was going to go but I've got a nut allergy and I probably wouldn't be able to get food there :'( and I've got no money anyway

  2. Better than nothing I guess, mabye it will progress...

    I'm pretty negative normally but I've actually been really happy lately :D:chuckle:

    I think it's partly because I went to see a band last week called Francesqa and it was amazing and I got to meet all the band and now I'm sort of on a high if you know what I mean. You should check them out if you haven't heard them, they are sooo good :happy:

  3. Sorry, I'm a bit of a pessimist :chuckle:


    That isn't sad, at least you have a boyfriend :( (here comes the pessimism again :LOL:)

  4. :chuckle:


    Yeah, but it doesn't have any decent software and the mic is really bad quality :(

  5. Sure :LOL:


    Yeah, I need to get some decent equipment though, I really want a mac so that I can record things.

  6. That's ok :)


    Yeah, and I know that I can do well academically and I don't want to sacrifice all the hard work I've done by chasing a dream that might not come true, it would be the best thing ever though :(


    Yep :$, I'm a massive nerd :nerd:


    Music is really good at GCSE, if your school is doing the same syllabus as ours it's really fun. The listening part can get a bit boring but the composition part is good. My problem with taking music tech is that I'm not sure if I would use it because I want to be a sound engineer but I literally don't have a clue if I'm any good at it or not and I don't know how I could find out.....

  7. I think GCSEs are about what you take for A level or if you don't do A levels and go straight into work or a different qualification or something.


    You do them in years 12-13.


    Cool, if thats what you want to do then I'd go for it :) You can always ask one of your teachers or someone what kind of GCSEs would be useful for them.

    I'm in the first year of GCSEs, I took music, art, french and RE but I don't really know what I want to do. I'd love to be in a band or a producer or something but obviously that's not an easy thing to get into. I might try and be a sound engineer or accountant or something. I'm such a nerd, I love maths :LOL::nerd:


    I know :( I might take it for A level but I'm not sure yet.

  8. I wouldn't worry too much about whether they make sense togther or not for GCSE, A levels are the ones where you've got to worry about what your going to pick because you might need specific ones if you want to do something at uni. The main thing is that you enjoy them :)

    Do you have any career ideas?

    I wish my school did music tech at GCSE, they only do it at A level here :(

  9. Yep :)

    For GCSE or A level? I picked my GCSE ones last year, I'm doing art, music, RE and french. Have you got any ideas about what your gonna pick?

  10. They're definitely one of my faves too, I'd heard of them before Wembley but only by about 6 months, I was really really annoyed because I missed them when they played in Cardiff by about a week and then the next tour they didn't even play in wales :facepalm: Luckily I'm going to see them when they support Foo Fighters :D

    Yeah, and they're really expensive.


  11. Cool, good choices :p I love Biffy!

    Hopefully :D

    Twin Atlantic and Straight Lines are good begginer bands and I don't think they would be splitting up anytime soon, Canterbury and Francesqa are brilliant too :)

  12. Ahh, what covers are you doing?

    Sonisphere looks great! Metallica, biffy clyro, slipknot, weezer, mastodon and architects are some of my favourite bands so I'm really upset that I can't go :(

    Yep :D

    They're really really good! That gig was one of the best I've ever been to, and the supports were great, straight lines and town. Straight lines are probably my favourite band after muse, that gig was the fifth time I've seen them!

  13. That's awesome :D Are you playing covers or have you got any of your own songs?

    You going to any this year? The line ups for sonisphere and download are looking awesome, but unfortunately I'm not allowed to go :(

    I'm good, really really tired because on wednesday I went to see twin atlantic and yesterday I went to see russell howard but they were both absolutely amazing so it was worth it.

    Have you heard of twin atlantic? If you haven't you should listen to them, they're amazing!!

  14. It's ok, don't worry about it :)

    How are you?

  15. I'm not vegetarian because I think eating meat is natural and for a good reason but I'm not a fan of real fur because I think it's unnecessary, anyway each to their own I guess :) At least it's just the tail :p

  16. Too much :LOL:

    :awesome: as long as its not real fur

  17. :LOL:

    Not really, been to a few gigs (one of them being You Me At Six :awesome:), going to a few gigs, practicing guitar/piano/flute/bass, homework etc.

    What about you?

  18. I know a what a few of the inside parts are called but most of them I don't know what they do, I'd like to take one of mine apart but I'd almost definately completely break it or not be able to put it back together again.

    I love to learn how to build guitars *dreams* :chuckle:

    That's good :happy:

  19. The truss rod. I'm so proud that I actually know what it's called :awesome::LOL: I wouldn't have a clue how to adjust it though :chuckle:

    Is it alright now?

  20. Ahh, what was up with it?

  21. :awesome: I just looked it up, it looks lush!
  22. :D

    What kind have you got?


  23. He's really nice and funny :) and he still has long hair :D

    It's quite bluesy at times and quite bright but depending on which pickups you use it can be quite hollow and dark as well so it quite versatile :awesome:

    :LOL: Lots of my friends didn't get me presents this year :( but it did save me some money because I didn't have to get them one :chuckle:

  24. Yep :D He's really nice, he even recognises me now because I've met him a few time :awesome:

    Definately go if you get the chance, it really great! All the staff are really nice and helpful and there a loads of great guitars :)

    Yeah it's in Exeter, lol yellow pages is great reading material :p

    They're great, I love fenders :happy: The tone is lush and they look awesome too :D

    I know the feeling, I literally have no money now :(

  25. Same here :(

    Do it :ninja::shifty:

    I couldn't get to see my family on Christmas because it was so snowy and icy :( but I went to mansons yesterday and got a new guitar so that made up for it :D

    I got a second hand fender telecaster in lake placid blue which had been owned by one of the guys who works in the shop and it had been re fretted and better pickups installed and Hugh Manson helped me choose it :awesome: I love it so much :happy:


    How was your christmas? And happy new year btw :D

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