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Everything posted by ^assassin^

  1. I am going away for Christmas so... Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year.

    I will talk to you when I get back early next month. Have a good holiday :D

  2. Haha, I want to go to the usual places too! England should of been my place of birth but unfortunately my entire family are new zealanders so it didn't work out.

    Haha, I guess I have seen the pretty pictures of Poland then :) I want to go to Lapland. Two australian comedians went and it was so funny. I can't remember exactly what they did but I was laughing and it looked beautiful, the scenery, not the comedy. I would really love to go!

    Do you want to visit New Zealand?

  3. The films are really good. I like Robert Downey Jr. He is a great actor.

    Oohhh, I don't really know. I guess I am just hoping to go. I think I will travel all over. I am definately going to Finland. It looks beautiful and I have always wanted to go to Helsinki. I will go to Poland as well. My social studies teacher thinks it is obscure but I think that both Finland and Poland are amazing places. Do you have any places that you would recommend to me?

  4. Wow, I am glad that you enjoyed it. Those people shouldn't of been there if they didn't want to watch amazingness. Did you sister enjoy it? I am guessing that you didn't miss your stop on the way home :)

    Sunburn! You are so lucky! I would of loved to hear it. Don't worry about it. I will see them sometime. If I go over to Europe, like I am planning on doing in 2014 I might be able to see them.

    Horror movies are alright just not my thing. I watched Final destination 5 with a friend and I was hiding under the blankets. But earlier we watched the woman in black with daniel radcliffe and i was fine while my friend was screaming. We are opposites! The Hobbit came out last night here. The premiere happened here as well, as Peter Jackson is a New Zealander. I am not a big fan of LotR or the Hobbit so when martin freeman came on to the screen i was fangirling over Sherlock. Haha. Do you like Sherlock?

  5. I hope you have heaps of fun! I wish I was going! I hope you don't miss your stop either.

    You are so lucky. I hate living in New Zealand because it is so far away from all the bands i like so they won't come. Muse have no plans to come to New Zealand, and that makes me want to cry :'( Stupid New Zealand. Why does it have to be so far away from everywhere! If they go to Australia I will see if I can con Dad into letting me go over. He might let me :)

    I am quite weird with movies. I really like dramas and romantic comedies but then I love action movies and thrillers. I can't stand horrors but i can handle the creepy stuff. Haha. What movies do you like?

  6. Thats really nice of her to do that for you. And you as well, to go and see her favourite band. Neither of my sisters would do that for me.

    Good idea. You are going to be tired on the train :) You might have to get a wake-up call. Can you get those? I am just going by the movies. I have never stayed in a hotel before.

    It's pretty soon isn't it? I am so jealous!

  7. I think they would give you a ride, they are pretty nice. Are you going with friends? because you could all chip in. Thats about the same distance from where I live to Auckland.

  8. Do you have any friends or family that live there? You might have to stay with them. How far away from Helsinki do you live? At least you would of got to see MUSE!!!!! And that is all that matters!

  9. I saw that! I am glad they didn't cancel your gig. that would of been awful for you. You wouldn't of been able to hold up your sign with your song requests!

  10. That not good. But i know the feeling :(

  11. Did you go to muse? i heard they were in Poland

  12. That is a bit creepy. We had a group on facebook for social studies but we weren't friends with our teacher and it was there for homework and assignments and things like that.

    Thats alright, haha, we don't anything like that at my school.

    I am very late in saying this, my exams have been pretty hectic, but I hope you do well :)

  13. I like social studies and chem. You will be fine at chem. If you are doing organic chem, just try and remember the reactions :) Is it a relgious class? That sounds weird.

    When is your testweek?

  14. That is a great holiday! I bet it was nice.

  15. You have to wait ages! But then, I guess you started in September or something? Right? I have already had a full year. Are you looking forward to christmas?

  16. That is so cool. I should of kept going with my language. Geography sounds good. I was going to take it last year, but i changed to social studies. What subjects will you be taking after testweek?

    I have got maths, which included algebra, calculas and statistics, chemistry, history and social studies. I have lots! I have 10 papers to do.

  17. I am! My holidays start on the 29th, and i go back to school in February, so I am really looking forward them!

  18. Are you looking forward to the holidays?

  19. I know how you feel, i like learning new thinks too :) I don't get to learn new things at school til next february now. What are you learning about?

    I have only had two so far, another four to go. English went horribly but physics, surprisingly, went alright. I am a bit nervous for chemistry but the other three should be ok.

  20. Thats good :) You still at school?

  21. I am pretty stressed, but alright :)

    How are you?

  22. Good luck for your maths test! Lucky you. I had my first exam today (it went terribly) and i have my next one tomorrow afternoon, and its physics so i am going to die!

    I should go to your school. That would be pretty cool. I have to pass my classes first! Haha

    Thats great! I always loved making food.

    Thats good, history is really cool. Well, I think it is. And I am good at it so that helps :) I got another award for it this year. We had our prizegiving last week. It is so scary, I am going to be a year 13 next year! I don't now if I am ready.

    There are a lot of muslims at my school because where I live is where a lot of immigrants and refugees come. They are all really nice and funny :)

    Chemistry! I like chemistry, its hard but I really like it. Poor Jude, you are just so good to talk to. I am guessing that he won't every be sitting next to you again :)

    I am stressed and really nervous because i don't want to fail anything. I want to pass with excellence this year, but I need 5 papers in excellence and I don't know if i will do that. But hopefully I will, and then I will get a badge :)

  23. Its ok. I am just as busy and stressed as you. I have got my exams on right now. My first one is tomorrow for English and then physics the next day. I am freaking out because these marks get you into university. If i fail, I don't get in.

    Hope your exams go great, you will be fine :D

  24. I haven't seen the video yet, I am going to after my exams are finished.

  25. Sorry I haven't been on, I have been studying. My first exam is tomorrow and I have six so yay! :(

    Thanks :) I might, I have to get money first, so a job and stuff! Are you going to LA

    That is unfortunate. When I did cooking, i set a girl on fire. Luckily she saw in time and put herself out, and the teacher didn't notice a thing.

    That sounds interesting. My school is a state school so it is not biased. There are lots of different cultures at my school though, and no religious anything.

    You have to take a lot of subjects. I never liked biology, i am not good at it. organs. ahaha. my friend last year got organisms and orgasms mixed up. It was hilarious reading her answers.

    How is everything?

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