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Everything posted by museisbliss10

  1. Yeah, I think Matt would make a great husband but I feel like he might think it ties him down in some subconscious way... I mean he cooks! Who doesn't want a cooking husband? True, true, that is a little detail I chose to overlook... I want him SINGLE! haha

  2. Yeah, he might take the time to focus on his music for a while but hey, now he's free to have fun at gigs! I did hear she was a bit of a control freak but then again, who could blame her? Thousands of girls out there want him, it's probably hard to keep him on a leash but I remember reading he was very, very loyal with her always. I'm currently on the PMT threads... ;)

  3. Hey! I'm great, how about you? Well, that's the word on the streets. His myspace says "single" and interested in "dating". Apparently Gaia wanted marriage and he waited too long to pop the question but who knows, really? I wish Matt would come out and say it... Then I can propose to him when I meet him without having to worry about a crazy fiancee coming after me.

  4. Oh yeah, SOBER! "Royal Canadian Blended, The Spicy Aroma Had Mended Me" haha

  5. I hope it works out for you! haha, I don't know... :awesome: it just is! I'm from Brazil and Canada (originally, parents are Brazilian but they moved to Canada a few months before I was born) so I think it's awesome meeting people from other places!

  6. That is so :awesome: ! Not that you missed the concert, of course, that's :supersad: but being from Romania! That's cool! I heard they're definitely doing a huge tour next year, U.S. first and then Europe so hopefully Romania is on their list! :)

  7. Yes, how could I forget about SD? Where are you, if you don't mind my asking. You said Muse isn't going to your country? :supersad:

  8. Maybe... I hope so! I wanted to hear Megalomania... :supersad: but oh well, we got Uno and Showbiz so that's progress!

  9. :muse: not music, MUSEic!!!! Why? Why is it over? ....


    "Let's start over again, why can't we start this over again, JUST LET US START THIS OVER AGAIN!" haha :awesome: oh well, time to listen to studio versions!

  10. Sunburn... or Unintended... and Spiral Static! Come on, Matt! Haha. :awesome:

  11. Aww, Falling Down...

  12. I say Spiral Static or Sober.... :awesome:

  13. :muse: WOOOOHOOOO! Wonder what's next... we should try and guess.

  14. YEAHHHHHH :awesome: :awesome: 1 whole hour left, wow my day has been revolving around MUSE

  15. Yeah! haha. Exo-Genesis... :)

  16. I love Matt's speedy voice when he talks but when he sings, he's so patient, drawing out the words. :D

  17. Making of Resistance... on the radio!

  18. WOOHOO UNO! Now Uprising. This is great, even though I could be listening to all this on my ipod, it sounds cooler live! And with little tidbits put in from Matt.

  19. I meant his voice in USoE... haha but now it's him talking!

  20. :D :D :D This is fantastic. I love this station! Oh... Matt's voice. It's lovely. :) :) :) And USoE in the background is just perfect.
  21. Love his vocals, so amazing.

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