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Status Updates posted by TKT97054

  1. I was sitting at the back of the place. It was amazing to see the light spectacular. I was in Block 211. :) Have a look at the two vids I have on my YouTube page. http://www.youtube.com/user/TKT97054


    Just wondered about the coach, just remembering seeing a ton of Muse fans on that coach I went on. XD It was completely full that bus. I did standing at one of the Muse concerts, and I was crushed so bad. :) So this time, I preferred a break and sat. But next time, I will stand.


    I have joined the group, go Bradford!

  2. Wibsey way, how about you? It sucks (even though I understand) that they don't have Bradford down on the drop down list. But still, this might sound odd, but did you get the coach down to Sheffield for the concert? :)

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