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About jimmyd93

  • Birthday 04/16/1993

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    My friend does music tech, Nick :happy: he's bloody good at it too, he gets basically straight Distinctions :chuckle:

    The subject I thought I'd be rubbish at, Biology, turned out to be the subject I did worst in :LOL: and then there was English, I don't fucking know how I managed two Excellences this year... :confused: possibly even one more!

    (NZ system is stuffed, it goes Not Achieved -> Achieved -> Merit -> Excellence... Excellence is basically the equivalent of a strong A/A*, Merit is an A/strong B, Achieved is just a pass, and clearly, Not Achieved means you suck shit :awesome::LOL:)


    I had a deprived childhood, we didn't have a computer and internet until I was 8, even then, I was barely allowed any time on it :indiff:

    Never had a Playstation, never had a Gameboy, never had an Xbox... Now I look back, I'm kinda glad I never got any of that stuff in a weird way! Sure, it sucked that my friends all got that stuff, but I look back, and it doesn't bother me, to be fair! At least I had a life as a kid :p can't say the same anymore...


    I love my parents :happy: I'm glad I have two awesome parents, and I'm not afraid to admit that! Kids moan about how awful their parents are, when to be fair, they wouldn't even exist if it weren't for them... Plus, I appreciate anything my parents do for me ^_^ I suppose I'm a good child in that sense :p

    Don't judge ANYTHING by your BMI though! :O if I was to go by that, I'm severely obese :LOL: now, I know I'm big, but...



    I'm not THAT big :p

    I need to get a bit more fit for the Big Day Out! I've got four weeks to get relatively fit for it :LOL: otherwise, poor Sammy will die :supersad:

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