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Posts posted by OriginOfShowbiz

  1. :LOL: Bet Matt watched it. I watched one of the previous series, where they killed these little lambs, you know when they stun them. :(


    The worst fror me was when they castrated pigs and they were squeeling so much :(


    They used a bit of KOC on Total Knockout too :LOL:

  2. I had a dream about Muse last night! :happy:

    They were on this cooking TV show and they had this woman who was their new keyboard player (:LOL: before I went to bed I was reading Inside The Muscle Museum and got up to the part where they were talking about not being able to afford a keyboard player :p) They weren't cooking on the show even though it was meant to be a "Come Dine With Me" kind of thing, they were just eating :LOL:

    Not much happened in the dream to be honest...I just thought it was pretty cool. There was something about Matt throwing food at Dom and I ended up at a train station..


    I love Muse dreams :D

  3. I've had loads of Muse dreams(I'm glad that so many other people do too :p)

    Once I had a dream that I was at a Muse concert and the whole crowd were seated so I kept on moving to get a good view. Somehow I ended up in my kitchen with Dom and I was telling him that I named my iPod after him because it's colourful like his jeans and he just kept ignoring me :(


    I had another one where Chris was my uncle...

    And one where I met Matt outside Subway (and he had his blue hair!)

  4. It's my dream to meet them!

    I tried coming up with something funny or clever to say in the near impossible chance of me running into them...

    Even though I know that if it ever happened I'd probably just start giggling and welling up while mumbling something that they wont be able to understand loll

    A girl can dream :p

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